I fear many things. But there is this one particular fear that paralyses my being. It's not something within my control so I feel helpless. It may not be true but the thought consumes me and I am left shaking and worrying.. Anxiety bubbles within as I try to banish the what-ifs.
I have been doing my best to get out of bed the entire week. Sweated out, raising my endorphine levels in the hopes that the bad thoughts don't come back. (they still do anyway) at least i feel healthier.
My insides are growing cold. Cold. Distant. But not enough to feel numb. I don't want to feel anymore. It's not as if these thoughts could be readily controlled. They linger like an aftertaste. I feel trapped in a dreary labyrinth. I know i should find a way out, but i'm just too tired to try... Somebody take me to the moon.
- Cambodia - Vietnam - Australia; Melbourne/Tazmania - Japan; Osaka/Kyoto/Hiroshima - Scotland. - Germany; everywhere else i have yet to set foot on. Especially the Castles and woods - Switzerland - Norway/Sweden/Finland - ICELAND!!! - East Coast America; Orlando - Alaska - Hawaii - South Africa