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Comments 95

kick7 July 25 2009, 02:53:08 UTC
konnichiwa XD
Ki desu :")
3/12 is my birthday XD and in this December, I'm 14 :D
ur so young ;____; 1997 nee ;_;
wish u have a nice day XD

thanks for add me :")


kickbuhttninja July 25 2009, 03:00:51 UTC
Kya, I was actually born in 1996 >.<
Stupid keyboard. >:O
Haha, your favorite is Dai-chan? :)


kick7 July 25 2009, 03:04:12 UTC
I'm still older than u =))
yeh XD
Dai-chan is my love XD


kickbuhttninja July 25 2009, 03:06:57 UTC
haha :) 0
Dai-chan is awesome^^
Oo, have you seen his first kiss? o.0
I felt like killing myself >:O


hazel_darlene July 25 2009, 12:28:08 UTC
doumo doumo..
HAzel desu
Proudly from Philippines
I'm 13 years old hehe.. one year older than you and I also love Chii!
but I love yuto more hehe


kickbuhttninja July 25 2009, 15:16:38 UTC
Haha(: Yuto's cool, too :))


let's be friendsss. :D parkgraphy July 28 2009, 05:59:50 UTC
-Lots of this kpop madness, and JPOP, the longest "asian" music I've ever loved is Arashi, so I know some of the JPOP basics, ahha, and I'm still sort of new to Hey! Say! JUMP.
Where you found this journal; over at shinee_graphics! I'm like, friend-less at livejournal. T__T;
What interests you share with me; JPOP, SHINEE(?), HSJ!

You're like a mini-me! XP
I wear dresses, but with converses and leggings.
I've never worn make-up and I don't intend to.
I hate preppy cheerleaders. YES TO THAT!

I'm shy and quiet at first, but once I get to know you, you'll see my true self :) same, hahaha, but i'm trying to get out there more. XD

hopefully you'll add me~ XD


Re: let's be friendsss. :D kickbuhttninja July 28 2009, 18:38:45 UTC
Hello, Jeanra^^
Haha, yes, I do love SHINee, too^^
-hyperventilates at your icon-

that's awesome that we have a lot of things in common~!
-adds back-
hope we can be good friends!


purinrinrin July 28 2009, 11:00:09 UTC
Thank you for the add. :D

My name's Jessica. Yesh.
Age: 14
Country: Singaporee.
Fandom/Ichiban: Hey! Say! JUMP/ DAICHAN ♥ ♥
Where you find this LJ: Moi wanna be a graphic editor in the daichi comm later, so :)
What interest you share with me: I believe we both love HSJ : )

Hope to be gwd friends wif youu. ♥


kickbuhttninja July 28 2009, 18:39:57 UTC
Yoroshiku, Jessica :)
Haa, everyone just loves Daichan! :))
Yeah, let's work together to make Dai-Chii the best OTP everr. >.<
Gomene, I'm biased. xD;


kouhai meet your sempai ;D nantokaxitsuka July 29 2009, 01:10:06 UTC
Harro~! ^^
My name's Gliza (pronounced gly-zuh, if you're wondering)
I'm 18 going on 19. (i'm soo old.. -_-)
From the US.
I've been on this drug we call JE since 2006, so three years now I've been addicted. lol. My favorites are NEWS, Arashi, and of course HSJ. I love all of JE actually, just not as much as those 3 groups. I've come to have no favorite member in HSJ or NEWS anymore. I love them all pretty much equally. haha. But my absolute #1 is Nino.
I found your journal through you. lol.
Other interests in common.. I love photoshoping and ranting. haha.

I read through your intro. You're like a younger version of me, except I'm probably just a bit more girlier, lol. So, I think we'll get along just fine. Yoroshiku~! :D


Re: kouhai meet your sempai ;D kickbuhttninja July 29 2009, 01:25:11 UTC
Yoroshiku, Gliza-Senpai ;D
Yo're not old xDD;;
Ah, that's awesome that we have so much in common! I hope we'll be good friends! :D


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