so as most of you know i had a growth on my arm. today i went to the emergency room and got it taked care of. it was a staf infection meps or something like that they cut a hole in my arm and squeased the puss out will i was awake it was awesome. i still have a hole in my arm and they put some guaws in to fill the hole for now.
whom ever is riding with me monday: call me this week sometime! JERM, LIESI! Be ready at 9:15 jerm we will pick you up at your house sometime after 9:15
my class list is Monday: 10:10-12:10 math 50 1:25-2:50 Business Human Relations Tuesday: 8:30-9:55 Into to cinema Wdnesday: 10:10-12:10 math 50 1:25-2:50 Business Human Relations Thursday: 8:30-9:55 Into to cinema