I have an account there, ravenfeather, but never get on, or don't even know my password. I hope none of this results in lj going down for us here, because I would never find all of you guys there. But, not doing anything to remedy any of that either.
I understand that lj is "home" for a lot of people, and I'm going to make an effort to cross-post! I will say too, though, that with it now being actually-factually owned by the Russian government (after another sale and purchase!), and the increasingly terrifying changes to the TOS, it is a good idea to start looking into alternatives. Dreamwidth makes password recovery pretty easy, and their TOS doesn't include language about how posting positively about LGBTQ content will get you banned (or face legal sanctions, if you're in Russia...).
If you manage to set up your Dreamwidth account, you could simply make a post on livejournal saying something like, "I'm still here for now, but this is the backup" and ask people to leave their Dreamwidth username for you. That would be pretty low-effort and would ensure that you do have a backup, if worse comes to worst.
I read in another lj post something that did register as problematic for lj. The sanctions our government are considering against russia would cut their banking off from international systems, and since the actual entity of the owner of lj is a bank owned by the russian government, and since several people have also reported that they cannot buy paid accounts any longer, this person said that the bank is preparing in case the US levels the heaviest sanctions against russia.
Comments 4
If you manage to set up your Dreamwidth account, you could simply make a post on livejournal saying something like, "I'm still here for now, but this is the backup" and ask people to leave their Dreamwidth username for you. That would be pretty low-effort and would ensure that you do have a backup, if worse comes to worst.
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