I have totally just remembered this, and I feel I should post it here for Alex to see before I forget. I totally told her on the cbox but she wasn't there, and then people soke over it >.So in my bid to get new lifts into college, I discovered this carpool scheme that works in Cambridgeshire, so I can register with them for someone doing the same
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I made some pretty pretty blends, mainly along idea of two vampire characters I have. Using Kristen Bell and Jensen Ackles, cause they mean secks. Don't steal, or I'll freaking cry and they drown you with my tears. bitches.
Georges house in the middle of nowhere huntingdon. It was the after show party for the Adventures of Mr Toad last night, so Markie and I all pirated up made our way to his to party with the cast. Damn actors, it was good fun though. Even if some people who should have been there weren't, and a couple I'd rather weren't were. You can't win them all.
It's official, Richard Hammonds book is the most emotional thing I've ever read. Practically every chapter makes me cry, constantly. Seriously, while reading it I'm forever wiping my eyes every few seconds. Especially the bits written by his wife, it's just heartwrenching. Some parts are painful to read, others make me smile despite the tears. It's
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So I've had a productive day. By that I mean, I watched a lot of Top Gear, then made some Top Gear icons to comemorate the watching. And I'm right proud of them, oh yes I am