Ok, so it's been a little while since I've posted. *stretches lj muscles*
So I think I'll just start back from when I last updated.
By the way I've sectioned this entry into neat lj-cuts for the sake of your friends pages. They're all a bit ranty,so pick and choose as you see fit.
So my father and I head down on our road trip to Florida. The reason for the trip: My dad's last dog had cancer, and though she was in remission, she died of complications therefrom. My uncle's German shepherd had puppies, and he offered one to my dad. Anyway, the trip down was alright even though I was in an ass mood most of the time because I hadn't eaten much.
Florida, in general was pretty boring. My family there lives out in the middle of nowhere, and my cousins are thirteen and six, so it's not like I can hang out with them.
My cousin Elaina(6) is absolutely out of her mind. In a good way, though. I'm not sure my aunt and my uncle can handle it, though. Her psychiatrist says she has ADD, and they're putting her on medication.I don't know. She doesn't seem all that different from me when I was six. I'm sure most of my friends will attest I still have a bit of a tendency to hyperfocus. I think a lot of the t is that even though she's six, she looks like she's four(Suarezes have a tendency to not look their age as I'm sure you've noticed)and my aunt and uncle treat her accordingly.( Sidenote: I saw a sticker with a lion on her door that said "Kid Courageous" and I found it cute and oddly coincidental.)
My cousin Vicki(13) is a genius. She's big into the arts, and she goes to some arts school for jr. high. She can play the bass and the violin, and she acts. Suffice it to say I'm fucking jealous. Probably because I never had the commitment to do anything with music or acting, and the only art I've mastered is being a smartass. She also looks young for her age, and her parents treat her like she's ten, but I'm hoping she has the sense of mind to grow out of it.
The one thing I really ended up learning on the trip is how annoying my dad can be. Mainly because he likes to act like he knows something but ends up saying things that are at best misinformed and at worst wildly false, plus he likes to make assumptions without any base of knowledge. Examples:
I'm walking toward the kitchen, and I hear my aunt and my dad talking about dinner. I was content to eat just eat the rice and beans, but my aunt also made chicken soup, which she already assumed I wouldn't be eating.
Aunt Iris: He's not gonna eat that.
Dad: Sure, he'll eat it as long as you pick the chicken out.
I walk into the kitchen
Dad: Hey, Juan, you'll eat this as long as you don't have any of the chicken in it right?
Me: Absolutely not. (Goes to the living room.)
Another conversation around dinner:
Uncle Esco: So Juan do you eat fish?
Me: No (a common misconception, but if I did eat fish I probably wouldn't have spent the week eating veggie burgers and almonds).
Uncle Esco:(discussion about how hipsters in the 70s claimed to be vegetarian, but ate fish)
Me: Well, I don't. (I assumed the conversation was over.)
Dad: Yea, they have all different classifications. Class A, Class B. Like Muslims are vegetarians, but they can eat...(etc., etc.)
Normally, I don't so anything, but I'd been hearing him talk for a week, and I felt compelled to interject.
Me: I've never heard of that, and the Muslims aren't vegetarians, they just can't eat pork because it's forbidden by the Qur'an(In fact, it's widely believed that vegetarianism is forbidden in Islam).
I walk away in order to outrun the migraine.
Home is alright I suppose. Or lame. I haven't really decided yet. Everyone here is out of their mind.
Deborah, the roommate, who's been living with us since I can remember, is seriously going nuts. She's been out of work for almost a year, and she spends most of her time watching tv and drinking. She just got a job offer, but she turned it down because she said she doesn't want to work. Then, she complains about being on unemployment, about how she doesn't deserve it because she can work and she would if she could. This swing doesn't occur over the course of weeks or months. I'm talking 12-24 hours.
My aunt is a packrat. That is by no means a casual assessment, and may in fact be a bit of an understatement. My house is cluttered with her stuff. It's unbelievable. The whole first floor, the whole second floor, and one the side rooms. My apartment at school was a sty, but I didn't care who came over. My bedroom and my computer room are fine, but I'm actually embarrassed to have people over here right now. Thankfully, my mom's started taking her clothes and organizing them in bags and totes and donating them to charity. Honestly, the amount of clothes my aunt has could clothe everyone in Greater New Haven. Hopefully the place will look decent when she's done.
My mom is probably crazier than she's ever been. She just broke up with her boyfriend because he was seeing someone else on the side. Which is lame, but he does live in Philadelphia. This is especially bad for me because my mom having a boyfriend keeps her out of my hair. Now I'm sure she's going to be in my business constantly. Plus, she's paying for my summer courses, so I'm also somewhat more obligated to listen to her. Before, she wasn't paying anything for school, so I didn't give a fuck. I just try to leave her alone as much as possible, since being around her starting something. She always tries to pick a fight with me because I'm laid-back and have an innate aversion to the stress and shouting matches common to everyone else in the family.
Since I've been home, I've only had a few opportunities to hang out with friends.
I got to go to the Guilford prom with Jonna. I noticed they weren't nearly as pre-dinner and during as we were at the West Haven prom. They also spent a lot more time on that part of the prom. I believe there were only two hours of dancing. I had fun nevertheless, and it was cool to see Jonna again. Not to mention I looked mad classy in my tux (no getting classy, however).
Looking for the midget village was a welcome distraction even though we didn't find anything that was the least bit exciting. The sleepout was entertaining as well. It was cool to say hi to all the seniors and then see their stuff get soaked in the ensuing rainfall. Subsequently getting made fun of by Pat Mann in the diner was also fun.
MudMania was sick, to no one's surprise. It was a little less focused on mud wrestling than last year, but it still went off well. I spent most of my time at the door and on the grill cooking Boca burgers, so I didn't get a chance to mud wrestle. Oh well.
The guys have mostly been playing poker, but I'm not really feeling it. I like poker, but I don't exactly have the funds for it. Although I did drop like 200 for prom, so what's the occasional ten dollars, right? Either way, I'm poor as hell, and I need a job. Maybe Target's hiring or something.
So yea, as a general announcement, I;m always free to do shit except Monday and Wednesday nights, so feel free to call.
Some minor points:
- Getting up at 5:30 to go to class sucks. Iced coffee, however, is delicious.
- I need to find away to stop thinking about womenfolk. Possibly castration.
- Black on black Cons easily trump both
fire and
the wheel as the greatest invention of all time
- 100th entry like whoa.