I find it strange that President Rau hasn't made a statement about the virginia tech shootings. Also that I haven't heard anyone on campus talking about it.
Oh, President of Virginia Tech? He spoke about it, I believe he spoke with Bush later that day or this morning. I think I heard him on the radio. Students have been interviewed on the TV news, which has nothing else to report because nothing is going on in the world right now not even the deaths of hundreds of Iraqis a month.
Nope I was talking about the president of CMU. It turns out I spoke too soon because he had an email sent out to the whole school today. There is also a banner that one can sign that the school is sending to VT. I signed it. But yeah I agree that the media shouldn't jump all over this and ignore what else is going on.
It's very important to the people involved, but to blackout the national news for it even when there's nothing to report is exploiting the situation to avoid reporting on ongoing situations. The liberal meida is really out to get us, it's just always investigating and reporting and doing real journalism- except that it almost never does.
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