
Oct 17, 2005 00:11

ok so i feel like...ya i dont even know how to explain how i feel, not sure if i feel good and happy, or if i want to just start over, im really confused i geuss you can say....my work sitution is no good, hopefully it will change, but thats a big hope, either way its going to change because ya, not allowed to say anything until a certain date, ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

lilman1517 October 17 2005, 04:33:33 UTC
if ya need anything kree call me.. I know how it feels. I pretty much saw my grandpa die.. I went through all that before too and its horrible. but u got my number so u better be calling if ya need anything. and I just sit around all day doin nuttin so if ur bored and want sumthin to do gimme a call and we'll go out and do sumthin so ya ain't thinkin about all that cuz ya know me the lazy kid that I am without the job has plenty of time to think and I've thought about thta kinda stuff before.


* Here for you! coronamclean33 October 18 2005, 02:27:02 UTC
Kree Hunny you know im here for you! You were there for me! I <3 and if you needa talk you know who you can call! *ME* your great and once agian I <3 you call me agian this weekend! I MISS YOU!


kidkree October 18 2005, 03:03:46 UTC
ya i dont know if im going to be home this weekend....its looking like im going to get a wonderful bday present...having to go to a funurel


coronamclean33 October 18 2005, 19:23:39 UTC
Well you can still call and we can still talk! CUZ I MISS YOU! and *Happy Birthday this weekend...damn it now i *HAVE to get u something cuz who knows the next time ill see you so you need soemthing to remind you of me! lol <33 u!


kidkree October 20 2005, 03:50:46 UTC
now you defiently have to get me something because you said your going to


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