so yeah me and the bookmans guy like hung out a few times and made out for a long time and crap like that but now that we are getting closer were now well he is having propblems...ahhh i hate men......fuck\1111111
im going to the lake real soon/...........i <3 he guy from bookmans!! i went to go in there to give him my # 2 times but he wasnt working...uhhhhhhhh hes so hotttttttttt.......lalalal...working alot......skool out in 2 dayz
i have not go any sleep on the past 3 days since ive closed at starting to feel sorry about myself and im falling into a depressive phase.. i feel as if noone likes me and im just a mere person to make fun of...1minute someone is nice to me and the next second they make fun of self confidence in under my shoes...
ive been working so much..they have made me close 2 nights in a next check will be for like 56 hours...kyle i got u a mates of stete buttin..(nicole got it for u from kfma day)..i want a bf..........i got my hair cut i have bangs again.....prrrr......
omg i went and saw MSI it was soooo fucking bad ass!!! it was hella cooll...i got a shirt too YES!!! I was with dannielle david and colin....colin is so prrrrrrrrrrr....dannielle- i want colin!!..
ive been working alot..blah.uhh..i saw the tyler brass knuckles from the swap meet, and i hung out with kyle and cinda..i want to see MSI!
i guess i have a big mouth...and that person is better than me huh kyle..i thought i was your best friend......yes i am making a big deal because once friend???