Inga Moore - Кеннет Грэм "Ветер в ивах" 1 часть

Sep 16, 2011 16:40

Тем, кому понравились иллюстрации Инги Мор, наверно, будет интересно посмотреть первую часть книги "Ветер в ивах".
Вторая часть здесь
Но сначала хочу привести тут короткое обращение художницы к читателям (на английском, на русский мне трудно красиво перевести):
"Anyone who has ever read "The Wind in the Willows" knows how delightful it is to get lost, even for an hour or two, in the world within its pages.
Illustrating the book, of course, takes a lot longer. In my case it took over two years, two wonderful years spent in the company of Ratty, Mole, Mr Badger and the Toad. As I worked I found myself thinking more and more about their creator, Kenneth Grahame. Perhaps this is inevitable when you go deeply into a work, but I like to think it was also because I share his love of the English countryside. Searching there for inspiration for my illustrations, it was as if I had - even if it was just for a while - come upon a common spring".



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