I don't know if this is true or not but makes me prouder to be a kevin fan... this is about kevin and some person who had jury duty with him.
"Interesting. I served with him about 10 years ago. The notorious "Ontario Basher", who would bludgeon his victims with his knobby priapism.
The case was long and draining, lasting over eight months. I will never forget MacDonald's single-minded focus for justice. At the beginning of the case, 11 of us were for "Innocent"; MacDonald ("Mack", as he became affectionately known) was the lone voice clamouring for a guilty verdict. MacDonald was unswayed by the citified defense attorney's eloquence. Nor was he moved by the defendant's quadriplegia and club foot.
After each day's testimony, we jury would adjourn to our deliberation quarters and spend all night locked in heated debate. Mack, almost Rasputin-like, glared upon us from his perch with his Irish-Canadian black eyes, pointing a flinty forefinger at us and excoriating each of us for our soft morals and easy answers.
"Today," he would declare, "the cold bodies of six young filles and a young bureaucrat lie in their premature graves! One of our community stand accused in these murders. It would be unconscionable were we, lowly slugs that we are, to set this man free. Who are we to assert innocence, when seven young flowers of our community have been stripped of their promise? Justice demands a body! And I have made a covenant with God to deliver that body."
Slowly over the passing weeks, one by one, the jurors stripped off from the ranks of those leaning toward innocence, and into Mack's camp. Finally, there would be only one juror left unswayed by Mack's eloquence and fiery rhetoric. In private, Mack would pace powerfully to and fro, vexed by this remaining, unmovable opponent. He tried everything, up to and including ball massage, yet nothing worked.
Finally, Mack dialed the DA's office and had the troublemaker replaced with a more malleable figure, one Mack could maneuver and bend to his will.
Finally, the day arrived when the judge asked for our verdict. When he asked that magic question "How do you find for the defendant?" we didn't have to squabble over who would speak for us. All eyes turned to Mack. It was the proudest moment of his life."