Mentalist Reverse Big Bang Art Post

Jul 11, 2012 14:45


Author: sirenofodysseus
Artist: kielamyis
Link to fic: HERE

When I started out with this BigBang I was really nervous, I had never participated in a BB before and wasn't sure how well I would do. But to my great joy everybody was really nice and helpful and boosted my confidence until I said to myself 'eh, what the heck' and went for it. Since Kimball Cho is probably my favourite character (despite my intense love for them all <3) and he isn't featured as often as other characters I decided to draw something with him. It started out as 'oh let's make some awesome art with lots of action and drama' and ended up being 'darn, this is depressing', but it was still fun to make and I eventually gathered enough courage to actually use that pic. tromana was really great and hosted my sketch for me to make things easier, and then it was nothing to do but wait.

When the artist/author pairings were revealed I honestly did not know what to expect -who would I get, what would they create from my art, would they pull my pigtails? -but sirenofodysseus was really great and we had a lot of fun communicating, and when I finally got to read the fic I was practically jumping up and down in excitement and joy. You really need to read it yourself to see how awesome it is, but it doesn't hurt to mention it a couple of times: It's awesome. ;)

The dark and poetic feel of the fic really spoke to the wannabe-poet part of my soul, and I sat down and sketched four extra pictures that flowed with the overall feeling rather than more dramatic snapshots. Sadly enough I've only managed to finish two of those pictures so far, but my hope is to get some time later on to finish the remaining two.

This has been a wonderful experience and I want to thank everybody who helped make this happen. I will definitely be looking out for any Mentalist BB's in the future, and maybe I'll even try writing the next time :)

'Tyger! Tyger! burning bright, in the forests of the night.'
'In the morning glad I see, My foe outstretched beneath the tree'
                                          -William Blake; The Tyger & A Poison Tree

'he couldn't wait until his blade parted soft skin and made scarlet waves, which would crash onto the floor. Kimball's disappearance would communicate the importance of time, because when it came down to it, they were all running against a ticking clock.'


art, mentalist, big bang

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