(no subject)

Jan 08, 2007 14:56

Wow. Don't even know WHERE to begin.

It seems like I haven't had two seconds to myself for the past month or so. For now, let's just talk about Shadow. Shadow was already seven years old when I found him (he was born sometime in late '96 or early '97), and about 6 months ago he started having problems. I took him to get fixed and to register him with the state (which was hiddeously expensive), and for a while I thought he was ok. But then, on the trip up to see Marisa's family for Christmas, he started getting really hot. It came and went, and there wasn't much we could do for him so far from home. We gave him lots of water and that seemed to help for a little bit each time.

We spent two days in NY/NJ with Marisa's family where he hardly moved at all, and then once we started driving up to Maine he seemed to be doing really well. Soon enough though, he started getting hot again, and we were pulling over ever 15 minutes to water him. We stopped for gas at a Mass Pike rest area, and since we were very low on water, we bought two huge containers of Poland Spring water. We gave Shadow the Poland Spring and he seemed to do much better. He was fine all the way up to my parents place in Maine. That gave us real hope that he would be OK (Marisa likes to think it was the P.S. water).

While we were in Maine, we took Shadow to a guy in Portland to get checked out. After several hours of waiting, the guy told us that Shadow was dying. There really wasn't anything that we could do except head back to Maryland and hope that Shadow could make it that long.

But alas, we hadn't even gotten out of Maine when Shadow started getting hot and no amount of water would cool him off. Right before we crossed the NH border, we pulled off to the side of the interstate and Shadow died.

Rest In Peace Shadow. You earned it.
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