So my computer's been broken for weeks. This means I've read a lot of books. Some were rereads, some were brand new. And I don't think this was all of them, but I didn't have my computer to take notes on, sooooo.... Also, starting a new list for 2011.
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Comments 3
I am going to read the next book, just so I can hopefully learn more about that awesome faerie guy that is so totes in love with Kvothe. He was by far my favorite part of the first book. :-p
And it's nice that someone else doesn't adore the book as well, haha. So many people I know have really liked it, and I always feel like I'm harshing their squee when I don't like it as well. :P
Overall, I kind of feel like it's a decently-written generic fantasy novel with poor female characters. Decently-written generic fantasy novels are rare enough I'll still read the next two, but they're not on my 'must-buy' list or anything.
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