
drabble: Black Silk

Dec 05, 2009 18:06

*DISCLAIMER: Lyrics taken from "Bleed" by Evanescence and do not belong to me. Lyrics are in italics.*

An exercise for myself. I was in the shower (I usually end up free associating) and was struck by the word "silk", which then brought up the image of silk used as bonds. Inspired by the song "Bleed" by Evanescence, I gave myself 20 mins to write (I fudged and took 25, with an additional min to add some quick edits from a friend) and this is the result. Again, an experimental piece, subject to reader interpretation. I can explain more about what the general storyline/idea is, if asked.

Black silk slithered within his encircled hand, soothing his myriad of calluses and scars as it caressed his skin. Blood red silk would have been a beautiful contrast against the skin but he felt a special affinity for black. Black was the color of dried blood in the darkness of night. He looked at the man, admiring him as he lay there so peacefully; it was such a contrast from the man’s usual demeanor.

Poisoned words and lying touches had dulled the bound man’s mind even as it seduced his senses. It had taken very little effort and now the man lay there, compliant and still, his naked body radiating warmth despite the chill from the moist air. Black silken bonds decorated his arms and legs and covered the eyes that would have stolen the other man’s resolve.

At the very least, the captor had taken pains to make sure the silk did not bite too much into the prisoner’s flesh. This was not about pain; this was about obtaining absolution.

Kneeling at his prisoner’s side upon the bed, the captor moved his hand holding the last whisper of silk over the prisoner’s body, as if he were caressing the man’s energy with his own flesh while letting the dangling silk brush teasingly over skin and muscle.

“We all live.”

The captor raised his head at the prisoner’s words. It had been surprising to hear. Despite the lack of drugs or restraint, the prisoner had not said a word up until now. The captor did not reply, but the prisoner knew that he had been heard.

“We all die.” The silk hovered near the prisoner’s neck as the captor paused for a moment.
“That does not begin to justify you.”

The captor waited, but the prisoner said no more. Leaning his body forward, the captor gently pressed at the sides of the prisoner’s jaw. The mouth that had just been speaking parted slightly, without further protest. White teeth, straight and strong, appeared. The sharp point of a canine caught against the silk as it slid into the mouth, silencing the prisoner.

The captor regarded the man on the bed next to him. No sight, no ability to speak, hands and feet rendered completely useless. Not even hearing was left, as the captor said nothing and his breathing was almost completely silent.

The captor moved finally and there was a slight dip in the bed as the captor’s weight left the soft surface. As he approached his prisoner, a thought occurred to him.

The prisoner could feel the slight tug of the silk blindfold being removed from his eyes even as his body was pierced suddenly and painfully. There was white-hot pain and a spray of scorching liquid.

Then nothing.


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