Title: The First Arrow Rating: PG Pairing: Daryl/Andrea Beta: metaallu Warnings/Notes: Season 2 AU Summary: Andrea's not sure why she hides the arrows. On AO3
Awww, this is a very sweet fic! <3 I just love the kinship you've ignited between them, and the gentle ribbing they're giving each other (with warmth and kindness), even during a time of crisis in the loss of a child
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I love playing with the idea of Daryl raising a child, but the chances of him having his own kid per-series I'm not sure about. Norman has said that he thinks Daryl is a virgin and its pretty interesting writing him that way. I'd like to really explore, though, the idea of Daryl and Andrea having to care of Sophia themselves. :)
Comments 5
Too bad nothing like this actually happened on the show; I would just love for the writers to use arrows in another scene with them in the future.
This was such a sweet one-shot and totally made my day; I would definitely enjoy reading more from you in the future!
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