just to spite scotty! hahahahaahhahaha

Mar 22, 2006 23:06

Chapter 1:
Initials: KNL
Middle name: Nicole
Date of birth: May, 6th 1984
Current location: Naperville Illinois
Height: 5’4.25”
Hair length: medium
Eye color: blue
Piercings: ears

Chapter 2:
Do you live with your parents: as of right now yes.
Do you get along with your parents?: Yup!
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: divorced and remarried
Do you have any siblings?: 2 brothers and a new puppy. And whatever procreation my father has.
What pets do you have?: DJ, skittles and mentoes

Chapter 3:
Favorite City: Chicago
Ice cream flavor: I like really like cookie dough
Seasons: Winter/summer
Color: Dark Blue
Number: 8

Chapter 4: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: sometimes
Write memos on your hand?: yes
Call people back?: Most of the time, sometimes I either just don’t want to or I forget.
Believe in love?: Of course
Sleep on a certain side of the bed: Yeah right now there’s only really one side, it’s a twin.
Have any bad habits: lots, not going to list them tho.
Own a car: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have feelings for someone: Yes.
Speak with your ex/ex's: two yes, two no

Chapter 5: Have You Ever....
Gone skinny dipping?: Yes
Worn braces?: Nope
Broken a bone?: Yeah, but it's okay, they weren't important ones.
Had stitches?: Nope.
Shoplifted?: haha yes… when I was like 3.
Punched someone in the face?: a couple of times.
Skipped school?: Yes
Taken painkillers?: hahahahahahaha yes!!!!!
Gone SCUBA diving?: No
Been stung by a bee?: Yup, they fucking suck.
Throw-up in a restaurant?: Nope
Been to overnight camp?: Yes
Had detention?: yes
Been sent to the principal's office?: Yes.
Been called a bitch?: Yeah

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you?: scott. Im talking to him now.
person to call you?: jana
Person you hugged?: my mom
Person you tackled?: ummm…. I was goofing around with my brother. I didn’t really tackle him tho.
Thing you touched?: the mouse and keyboard.
Thing you ate?: gummie worms!.
Drank?: pepsi.
Thing you said?: thanks for dinner mom

1. What time is it? 6:38 P.M.
2. Name? Nikki
3. Piercings? ears
4. What is the most recent movie that you saw in theatre? The ringer
5. Place of birth? Youngstown Ohio.
6. Favorite Food? Ummm anything with chicken, either chicken parm, or chicken cesar salad..
7. Ever been to Africa? Nope
8. Ever been toilet-papering? Yea
9. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10. Been in a car accident? Yeah with rosie.
11. Croutons or bacon bits? both
12. Favorite day of the week? Friday
13. Favorite Restaurant? I love tango’s and outback steak house. But I love Fridays for “fast out food” and I like lugies… and there are just tooo many things and places that I like going to really pick just one… so you get that list.
14. Favorite Flower? Orchids and lilies!
15. Favorite sport to watch? UMMMM duh. Do you not know me? NASCAR
16. Favorite drink? hot cocoa.
17. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry or cookie dough.
18. Disney or Warner Brothers? Depends I worked for Disney, so you can see I like them, but WB has so many good movies. .
19. Favorite fast food restaurant? Tacobell.
20. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Didn't fail.
21. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read, sleep.
22. When is bedtime? Whenever I'm tired.
23. Who is the person most likely to respond to this bulletin the quickest? No idea
24. Whose responses to this questionnaire are you the most curious about? I don’t really know.
25. Favorite TV shows? Law and order: SVU.
26. Last person you ate with? My family
27. Ford or Chevy? Ugh. I drive a dodge, but chevy because my papa worked for them!
28. What are you listening to right now? Law and order… the original one. lol.
29. What is/are your favorite color(s)? Dark Blue and gold… and my red car!
30. How many tattoos do you have? none
31. How many pets do you have? 3
32. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? egg
33. How many people are you sending this to? Whoever can see my blog.
34. What's the last thing you think at night? Really it depends on what has happened that night/day. But most of the time its keenan..
35. What time did you finish this questionnaire? 6:54

42 Things You'd Like to Know About Me but Never Thought to Ask
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster? Hell no!

3. When's the last time you've been sleigh riding? Junior high/freshman year of high school..

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? someone else. Im a cuddler!

5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes I have a few in the house. lol.

6. Do you consider yourself creative? somewhat. I would hope so. Im an artist!

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? Yes I can’t believe he’s not in jail… well I can but he should be in jail

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Angelina Jolie

9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Lol sometimes.

10. Do you know how to play poker? Sort of..

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes, it wasn’t fun.

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run the red light? No, it’s still a red light. And with my luck there’d be a cop. haha

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Yup.

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Don't really pay attention to baseball, but I guess Yankess.

17. Have you ever Ice Skated? Yes

18. How often do you remember your dreams? often.

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Probably a couple of days ago .

20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? "Yellow Submarine," "Yesterday," "I Want to Hold Your Hand,"Let It Be," "Hey Jude."

22. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes

23. Do you know who Ba-Ba-Booey is? No clue.

24. Do you always wear your seat belt? Definitely and so does everyone else before the car goes anywhere..

25. What talent do you wish you had? Ummmm I wish I could think of one… I can’t right now though.

26. Do you like Sushi? Yuck fish!

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? Im sure I have. .

28. What do you wear to bed? kinda depends on the weather.

29. Have you ever been caught stealing? Yeah when I was 3. lol

30. Does size matter? Ummm in what way… because in a car… not really I like mine… or house. Yes, bigger is better. And other things… haha well I just don’t know..

31. Do you truly hate anyone? No

32. Rock and Roll or Rap? Rock and Roll.

33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Orlando bloom

34. Do you know anyone in jail? Nope.

35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror? Hahah yeah.

36. Do you know how to play chess? No I just don’t understand..

37. What food do you find disgusting? tomatoes.

38. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"? no.

39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? no… I make sure to do that when they can hear me. It’s much more fun that way. Haha

40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? Yes.

41. Have you ever been punched in the face? Yes.

42. Whens your birthday? May 6th

1. What is your occupation? Student and manager at the limited.

2. What color are your socks right now? Clear? Im not wearing any.

3. What are you listening to right now? Somebody by 3 doors down

4. What was the last thing that you ate out? McDonalds.

5. Can you drive a stick shift? Sort of.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? celedon.

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? jana.

8. Do you like the person who posted this? Yeah he’s kind of a cool guy. Though he is really damn far away right now in Ireland. Bastard.

9. How old are you today? 21 years, 9months, 16 days.

10. Favorite drink? hot cocoa. squirt

11. What is your favorite sport to watch? nascar

12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah

13. Do you wear contacts or glasses? neither.

14. Pets? DJ, skittles and mentoes.

15. Favorite food? chicken.

16. What was the last movie you watched? Ummm twister?.

17. Favorite day of the year? Christmas…. Birthday?.

18. What do you do to vent anger? I normally cry or vent to one of my friends/mom. or I play some kind of violent game, or do some kind of art….. I donno it depends. One time I just left the house. That was “fun”
19. What was your favorite toy as a child? LEGOS!!

20. Fall or spring? Fall

21. Hugs or kisses? Kisses no HUGs… no I like them both I can’t choose.

22. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry

23. Do you want your friends to repost? Sure

24. Who is most likely to post? Maybe rosie… I donno.

25. Who is least likely to post? Ummm….i don’t really know..

26. When was the last time you cried? Cried? Monday night.

27. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes, cloths, stuff… more stuff, dead people…

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Jana/liz.

29. What did you do last night? Hung out with jana it was fun!.

30. Favorite smell? Fresh Rain/ keenan’s colonge.

31. What inspires you? Love

32. What are you afraid of? Losing friends./ being alone/ losing keenan

33. Favorite Hamburger? Good old fashioned cheese burger maybe with some bacon on it .

34. Favorite car? The one that I currently drive. And mustangs I like… and VIPERS. And all cars…. Im a car girl deff. .

35. Favorite dog breed? Sheltie duh that’s why ive owned one most of my life.

36. Number of keys on your key ring? My house one…. 3, new house key, old house key car key… on my work one… 2 for the office 1 for the gate, 1for the fitting rooms 1 for the registers 1 for the locked desk!

37. How many years at your current job? 3 with a break for Disney in 04!

38. Favorite day of the week? Friday

39. How many states have you lived in? 2 Illinois and Ohio.

40. Favorite holiday? Christmas

41. Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? Yes. Trackter at a farm

100 "have you ever's??"

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? yes

2. Slept in a different bed? yes

3. Made out in a movie theatre? Yup!

4. Made out with 2 different people in one night? yes

5. Thought your cousin was hot? Definately no ew

6. Been in love? Yes

7. Slept? Stupid question.

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? Yes, cedar point. haha

9. Gone over the speed limit? "We figured they were more guidelines, than actual rules."
That's pirate for yes. “just kept scotty’s answer” haha I liked it

10. Painted your room? Yes

11. Driven a car? YES.

12. Danced in front of a mirror? Yes

13. Gotten a hickey? yes

14. Been dumped? Yes

15. Stolen money from a friend? No

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes

17. Been in a fist fight? Yeah I have… it was fun. And I’d do it again the bitch.

18. Snuck out of your house? No

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes

20. Been arrested? No

21. Made out with a stranger? No

22. Left your house with out telling your parents? Yes

23. Had a crush on your neighbor? Haha yea…. I lived next to andy shaw come on!

24. Ditched school to do something more fun? Yes

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ? Yes

26. Seen someone die? A goose… the other day.

27. Been on a plane? Yes

28. Kissed in a picture? Yes

29. Slept in until 3p? a couple times

30. Love someone or miss someone right now? Yeah, but im talking to him online

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes, in the summer in the pool I love it.

32. Made a snow angel? Yes

33. Played dress up? Hahahah yeah.

34. Cheated while playing a game? Yup!

35. Been lonely? Yes

37. Been to a club? A couple.

38. Felt an earthquake? Once a few summers back.

39. Touched a snake? Yes, I love snakes. I held a huge boa in 3rd grade.

40. Ran a red light? Nope.

41. Been suspended from school? No

42. Had detention? yes

44. Hated how you looked? sometimes

45. Witnessed a crime? Yes

47. Been to the opposite side of the county?yes

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment? yes

49. Cried yourself to sleep? yes

50. Sang karaoke? yes

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? Yep, haha

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes… that burned it was lemonade

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes

54. Kissed in the rain? Yes

55. Sung in the shower? Yes

56. Had a dream that you married someone? yes

57. Played getting married? yes

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No, haven’t you ever watched a Christmas story?! I learned not to do that dudh.

59. Ever gone to school partially nude? Nope!

60. Been a hooker? No

61. Sat on a roof top? Yes

62. Didn't take a shower for a week? NO ew. That’s so sick.

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? Yesh sometime I still am.

64. played chicken? Nope, and never will that’s stupid.

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Not so much "pushed" as "picked up and thrown"

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Yes

67. Broken a bone? yeah.

68. Been easily amused? Yep

69. Laugh so hard you cry? yea

70. Cheated on a test? Yep

71. Forgotten someone's name? Yeah.

72. Blacked out from drinking? Twice in a very safe environment..

73. Played a prank on someone? Yep

74. Gone to a late night movie? Yes

75. Made love to anything not human? No! Jesus! *ill stick with scotts answer*

76. Failed a class?once… accounting. I hate math

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? Yes, but I can’t remember what it was…. Just remember choking..

78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? Straight? I don't think so.

79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend? No!

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? Yeah, sort of.

81. Thrown strange objects? Yes

82. Felt like someone? Uh.. Usually I feel like me, does that count?

83. Thought about running away? Yes

84. Ran away? No

85. Had detention and not attend it? No

86. Made parents cry? Yes

87. cried over someone? Yes

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies? Yeah I do right now.. I love them all the same!.

89. Dated someone more than once? No that’s one of my rules….

90. Have a dog? Yes

91. Own an instrument? Me right now… no

92. Been in a band? School band

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?prolly at a party or something I don’t really keep count. lol.

94. Broken a cd? Yes

95. Shot a gun? What kind?

96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours? No

97. Been through puberty? Looks down* yeah I would have to say that I have. .

98. Have a major crush on someone right now? Yes, and im talking to him as we speak.

99. Have a religion? Not particularly.

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral? Yes, and I donno if I’d like it if I could hear it. Good thing I wont be able to. Haha
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