Title: When the World Ends in Ice
Pairing: Donghae/Eunhyuk
Genre: Fantasy, Fairy!AU, Romance, Slight!Angst, Humor, Drama
Rating: R
Summary: The all powerful Weather Fae gather to plan the weather for the end of the world.
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Underage!Sexual Situations, Fantasy Creatures, Cursing, World Destruction, Magic
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and story~
Part 1: Unable to Let You Go
A/N: IMPORTANT: Just as a warning before you guys might possibly freak out on me, this is NOT M-Preg. despite whatever is written below, NOBODY is getting pregnant. Though if a lot of you like the idea, I wouldn't mind writing a separate bonus chapter or something. This is Fantasy so yeah.. pretty much anything can happen O.o
Enjoy~ <3
(*cough* this may or --> may not <-- be edited *cough*) (see what I did there? ;D)
Oh, and the italics may be confusing, soooooo just wanted to say that they are the thoughts of whom ever's point of view it is :] Which I believe is Me ---> Eunhyuk (for a good while) ---->Donghae.
Don't worry lol I'll get better at this x]
First shot:
-1 Hour Earlier-
Patches of snow lightly blanket the forest floors of Mount. Fuji, Winter coming a week earlier than planned~
On the branch of a large Redwood a family of Snow Owls noiselessly make themselves home, quickly finishing their nesting as the sun patiently waits for them to turn in for the day. The skies silently whisper to the three little owlets, occupying them with a bedtime story until the parents chirp and fluff their feathers, settling themselves next to their little ones before finally saying their good nights. Happiness bursts across the heavens in pink, gold, and light blue, the Sunlight joyous and sparkling as it shines its morning greetings to all the slumbering animals below.
Heading westward to a large, cozy cave, the chilly air sweetly kisses a stuffed Black Bear good-bye as he lies upon his bedding, finally succumbing to that 3 month slumber he so desperately needed after nine long months of Spring, Summer, and Fall busying his days.
The Morning has entered and Winter has almost fully arrived, every Daytime animal awakening to prepare for another long, beautiful Winter day, but in one little corner, somewhere in between the resting Owls and the snoring Black Bear, darkness gloomily looms, and there is where we will find 23 year old Lee Eunhyuk, the slim, lovely fairy of Snow leaning daintily on a leaf as he listens carefully to the tears of a newly sprouted rose…
The petite, elegant bud was slowly fainting into a panicked yellow; her fear crawling along rich scarlet edges as her frightened troubles slowly began to wilt the young, stagnant petals.
The slender fairy tenderly strokes the soft, silky contours of her budding, understanding her fears as he gently tries to coax her to bloom somehow before the Frost finally stakes its claim across the nation.
It isn’t healthy for a young rose to stay dormant with all the snow planned to come her way; somehow someway he just has to get her to open up.
Leaning in close, he quietly whispers reassuring words of comfort.
“Oh love ~ There is no need to worry about anything, you know?” his gentle voice soothes, embracing the rose handsomely as blue frost softly escape his mouth and surround her in a light mist, gradually assisting her to relax in his arms. “Look… Winter still has a week or so before the frost takes over… but watch, you’ll have absolutely no need to fear little one, for I will personally make sure to take care of you… I’ll make sure you’ll be safe and we’ll handle this hand-in-hand okay? So bloom now my love. Flourish with your dazzling beauty and show Oppa what you’re made of~ <3”
A blush slowly garnishes her features, small bursts of a rich scarlet swirling itself across her petals as she silently complies, charmed by his sweet words to the core and willing to prove her inner strength by expanding to express her inner beauty.
Eunhyuk stands back and perches himself lightly against the leaf, smiling proudly as he watches the bud slowly, yet surely begin to unfurl herself.
He had been flying across Mount Fuji, sprinkling snow here and there, when he heard the melancholy tears of the young, delicate rose quietly echoing in the frozen air.
The poor thing had been weeping for help.
She was horribly afraid, cold, and lonely, and since most of the Autumn Fairies had been migrating north to bring in the new incoming season, she was terribly frightened in her very first transition to the Climate Change. Good thing he was passing by to hear her otherwise the anxiety would’ve proved fatal; mercilessly killing off the young budding and never giving her the slightest chance to see the sparkling sun.
Not that it’s exactly his job.
His magic is at its highest honor now, giving him the utmost finest aptitude to control snow, hail, and all types of natural ice. Therefore, as ruler of such frozen responsibility, it’s only gentlemanly to help his fellow flower to not be afraid of him. He is, after all, a Snow Fairy, but that of the most sovereign nobility of his kind.
He is Lee Eunhyuk: Prince of the Frost Kingdom and ruler of Winter.
So he can’t help but to be slightly puzzled as to why the poor rose was alone and unaware of his early arrival in the first place; explaining to the flowers about his appearance and the incoming climate change is Mother Nature’s job and Nari isn’t one to slack off, so where could she possibly be in the midst of the season change?
He tiredly sighs, not wanting to deal with it and deciding to talk it out later with Shindong, Mother Nature’s partner and lover.
If anybody knows of Mother Nature’s whereabouts, it’s most definitely that love-struck Weather Fairy of Earth.
Tossing aside his thoughts, he focuses his attention back to the beautiful young budding finally getting somewhere~ the stunning flower now radiating a soft, sparkling glow as she stretches her petals to her full potential.
It’s excruciatingly important to make sure she blossoms to her full size without any complications; any interruptions to a flower still so young can extremely dangerous, if not fatal.
Furthermore, Roses are extremely delicate organisms; anything could set them off.
“Yah! How the hell can you just sit there and watch her like that?! Who knew you could be such a pervert!” a loud voice calls out, successfully startling the Snow Fairy out of his seat.
Eunhyuk angrily turns around, wondering who the hell had the gall and disrespect to be so loud when such a fragile innocent is trying to bloom.
The incoming figure slowly becomes more recognizable and feels himself darkly seethe, giving the intruder a piercing, icy glare.
“What. the. hell Donghae!” the blonde harshly whispers, furiously flying over to the latter who just set foot upon his leaf. He yanks the other’s arm with a firmly, making sure to drag the unwelcomed fairy to the pointed edge of the leaf before looking back at the oblivious Rose in worry.
Please tell me she hasn’t noticed, PLEASE tell me she hasn’t noticed…
He opens his senses to a 5 yard radius, attempting to feel any irregular stress levels to see if the rose had panicked in the midst of her concentration and sighing in relief when he felt none.
Thank you Holy Gates of Sapphire Arcadia… THANK YOU.
Now this guy.. -
Eunhyuk angrily turns back to give the rude fairy in his grip a tightening squeeze, his vehemence causing his grip to turn into an unbearable cold as his face shows just how pissed off he was.
“Damn it Lee Donghae,” he sternly growls, his voice still carrying the livid whisper as brown eyes brighten and set aglow to a metallic shade of silvery blue; his sheer anger stimulating the depths of his magic. “What. in. the holy gates of Sapphire Arcadia did the fuck you think you were doing?! You know VERY well anything can set off a newborn rose to panic!!”
Donghae’s eyes flash as well, turning a quick sheen of sparkling yellow light as he smirks at the Snow Fairy, yanking his arm from Eunhyuk’s grasp with practiced ease.
“Wowww~ no need to get snappy at me, Princess,” he lazily drawls, crossing his arms nonchalantly as a small frown graces his features. “Plus it’s not my fault you were looking at her as if she were a piece of meat. You’re the one in the wrong here. You’re engaged to ME, remember?”
Eunhyuk rolls his eyes in annoyance, the silvery blue glow gradually fainting back into a silvery mist around his lashes.
Dark brown eyes give Donghae a dirty look instead as he rejects that answer as an excuse.
“First of all, staying gentle around a newborn rose is just plain fairy protocol, you impulsive idiot,” he snaps, crossing his arms to stare down at the inconsiderate winged-man in front of him. “And secondly, we are NOT engaged. Just because Mother Nature says it’s time we work things out, it does NOT mean anything.”
Donghae scoffs and shrugs it off, eyes moving over to watch the rose beginning to struggle in her blooming.
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say, Princess. But don’t get mad at me when Leeteuk hyung demands you get pregnant. You know if anybody is going to impregnate your fertile ass it’s going to be me.” He looks back to smile cheekily at the fuming blonde. “Just saying.”
Eunhyuk scowls, magic coursing through his body as his eyes glow and mystically create a snowball out of thin air, the blonde quickly throwing it at Donghae and successfully knocking him off the leaf before lifting himself up to fly back to the Rose who faintly called his name.
That inconsiderate, cocky, immature BRAT. Saying that he’d impregnate me as if he already KNOWS.
Eunhyuk glares at the leaf when he lands, thoughts still cursing the fairy that fell to the forest floor.
Leeteuk would never do such a thing… though it may not be entirely impossible, for Leeteuk IS the Weather Fairy of Peace.
To his upmost dismay, it would make sense to Bond he, Prince of the Frost Kingdom, to Donghae, Prince of the Storm Kingdom, together in Partnership and bring the two conflicting empires together, but… he just can’t do it.
Eunhyuk isn’t even ready for a baby. Who cares that his fertility levels have become dangerously high? He refuses a Partnership with Donghae.
It’s only a curse that it’s biologically set for all Snow Fairies become fertile at age 21 years old, all males included, but as a Royalty, his process is a bit more sanctified than what Donghae is so eager to imply. Eunhyuk by law has to go through Partnership first before Bonding, two very sacred rituals that takes commitment, time, and energy, let alone it has to involve his heart.
It’s painful and unnecessary, so if he had to commence in Partnership to reproduce, it absolutely cannot be with Donghae.
And that fact alone made Eunhyuk’s heart ache.
A wail shatters all thoughts and he looks up in horror, her distress flooding his senses alarmingly.
The Rose was in deep panic, the once vibrant glow emitting from her instantly dying out as she stops her blooming midway.
“Hey hey hey~,” he calms tentatively, wrapping his thin arms around the petals that had stopped in the midst of her distress. “What’s wron-”
At the touch the Rose drastically turns a pale brown, the edges instantly dying as he hears her silent pleas become more heartbreaking.
Eunhyuk steps back in worry, arms never leaving her form as he takes in her state.
Is she actually… dying?
His hands still in shock. Never has a flower died on him, let alone turn so sickly at his touch.
He doesn’t understand.
The snow blonde quickly closes his eyes and opens his senses once again, taking in her stress level as it slowly pulsates throughout his body.
Brown eyes confusingly open up again to frown at the flower in his arms.
This feeling was… a bit more than panic, she was definitely upset and flipping out about it, but he doesn’t get why…
He doesn’t understand what can set her off so badly.
“Love,” he worriedly whispers, gazing sadly at the yellowing edges, “w-what’s wrong? Are you okay baby?”
He presses his ear against her scarlet silk, listening intently as the rose silently whispers to him her troubles.
………. -- !?
He pulls back quickly to stare in shock at her, wings fluttering incredulously in surprise.
“W-What do you mean?! Y-You… You can’t possibly mean y-you-- Seriously?”
Donghae gracefully lands on the floor and uses his magic to zip his way back without so much a complaint.
Eunhyuk has always been defensive like that.
Perching himself to sit next to his flustered old friend, he watches in great amusement when he catches the last few silent words the Rose mutters. He has to laugh when Eunhyuk looks panicked between him and the flower.
“Soooo~” he sing-songs, voice heavily teasing as Eunhyuk stops to stare at him with wide eyes. Donghae smirks at the shock swirling in those brown depths. “What did Miss Rosie say~ ?”
Eunhyuk instantly looks away and focuses his attention back to the rose, stroking her petals comfortingly since he’s too embarrassed to look back at the one sitting right beside him.
“Oh, nothing? Is that so?” Donghae asks thoughtfully, tilting his head with a knowing look and grinning at the blonde avoiding him.
Nothing was a bowl of lies.
Learning the language of the flowers is a beautiful gift every Weather Fairy receives when they first become appointed, and even though he was pleasantly surprised at her accusation, he can’t help but want to play with the blond a little bit.
Eunhyuk has the most delectable reactions.
The orange haired fairy jumps up into a perfect back flip and lands elegantly on his feet, a small trick all Storm Fairies know how to do since birth, and he embraces the blonde sweetly from behind.
He gently wraps his strong arms around the other, extra careful to not tangle any wings before nuzzling his face into the soft, blushing cheek.
His Snow Fairy can be so cute at times.
Eunhyuk feels his heart begin to slow at the touch, a familiar buzz instantly surging around them.
Oh no..
He wants to cry at the electric, pulsating feel, already familiar as to what will happen next if he doesn’t step away.
It was like a tingling current, an anticipation of electric familiarity coursing through his body as a liquid heat flows from Donghae’s stature into his own, the static fire slowly crawling its way into his frozen soul.
Donghae doesn’t even have to purposefully use his magic, his biological being already naturally giving off a pulsation and heat, so much heat, and Eunhyuk can already feel himself melt into a dazed obedience like he used to when they were younger.
One would think that after knowing Donghae for 17 years, this would be something he would get used to, but he just… can’t seem to figure out how to not be affected anymore.
Back then, that simple buzz Donghae gave off was something he loved.
It was ticklish and warm, and he found the feeling as a source of comfort albeit how painful it was when Eunhyuk first encountered Donghae.
But now they are much older, and that soothing buzz has somehow changed, morphing against his will into something breathtakingly hot and delectably uncomfortable, the feeling flowing from his toes all the way up to his frozen lips.
This new feeling just seems to heighten when he feels warm, electric lips graze his left cheek and electrify his heart, jumpstarting it to beat milliseconds faster.
No. He can’t handle it.
“D-Donghae,” he whispers, eyes flashing once, twice as the electricity flowing into his heart make him the more dizzy with longing, memories rushing all at once as if the last time Donghae really touched him was only moments ago.
Another heated wave crashes into his body when Donghae chuckles.
He can feel his knees buckle.
“Aww Hyukkie~” the smooth voice whispers back, lips trailing down to his neck to stop and nip at a sensitive spot near his nape. “Just tell me what she said… and I’ll let you go~”.
It’s always been just a game with him...
“D-D-Donghae you n-need to st-stop,” he mutters out, scared of the close proximity, yet body once more betraying him as his head lulls to the other side with a soft sigh, giving the latter more access.
His mind curses, trying with all it’s might to bring the situation at hand back to a main priority.
If he doesn’t stop Donghae now, the Rose will self-destruct and he would cave in.
He knows it.
“P-Please,” he whispers desperately, beginning to tremble as his body refuses to let him push the other away, “Sh-She’s d-d-dying Donghae…”
He can feel his eyes grow hazy. It feels good.
The attention, the warmth, the way Donghae holds him when he showers him with the lightest of touches…
It had always just felt so damn good.
I don’t want to be played with anymore…
Another chuckle rumbles from behind him as a warm hand tries to sneak its way inside his flowery shirt. The black, ripped sheets of ice draping over it melted slightly as Eunhyuk feels the electricity intensifying within him.
Please don’t touch me…
“P-Pleeeaase..” he tries to plead, his vision becoming a bit unclear when heat starts to engulf him.
I hate how you know I’ll never say no…
He’s beyond desperate at this point, feeling his heart slowly try to give in.
I have to stop him…
“She’s d-dying... ”
I need to stop him…
“D-Donghae she’s dying… ”
I don’t want to stop him…
“She… she… O-Ohhhhh…” words trail off as he whimpers, stifling a moan and biting his lower lip when Donghae’s seductively and oh so softly kisses the corner of his lips.
So close yet so far… Please…
It’s too much.
Each shuddered, heated breath Donghae released when he went back to his neck vibrated against his skin, a silent promise as a hot tongue licks and nips its way back up to nuzzle his cheek while a warm hand lightly caresses it’s way up, up until he lolls his head to lightly touch Donghae’s own, close to panting when the warmth caresses the area around his nipple.
Don’t stop now…
Eunhyuk feels himself lose himself into the electric currents rippling off Donghae’s body; all attempts to push him off weakening considerably as the other’s warm breath caresses his shoulder, Donghae sliding the fabric off to show bare, cool skin.
Please don’t stop now…
He shudders out a pleasured sigh when he feels a warm, soft, damp kiss get placed upon it, the hand in his shirt lightly circling, fondling, heating his chilled skin up to a temperature until he can’t function. He can see his own breath hitching, the exhale in a breathy fog as a familiar wave of pleasure washes over him.
Don’t let me go…
Hot then cold.
Touch then surrender.
Give then take.
I don’t want to be alone again…
This was the main reason why he and Donghae could never Bond, never go into Partnership, and never get married.
Donghae was the Weather Fair of Lightning: Youngest Prince of the Storm Kingdom; the younger brother of Prince Kangin the Weather Fairy of Thunder; cousin to Sir Kyuhyun, the Weather Fairy of Natural Disasters, and his greatest mistake.
Please don’t let me be alone again…
Not only was the man reputably known for his magic, gifted with the power to create lightning storms and create electricity out of anything and everything, he was deadly dangerous to all Water and Ice based fairies.
One shock and that Fairy will be useless. One storm and that Race will be over. Fairies of the Storm Kingdom all have an immediate advantage, elementally and physically rendering them helpless if they ever get too close.
And Donghae was always too close.
Please… don’t let me walk away again…
Donghae was special though. The man had always been particularly gentle with him, a passion since they were kids, and it has been Donghae’s goal to only cherish and please him, their innocence blissfully blinding the reality.
But with Donghae’s natural pulsating features of electric shocks that envelop him in a prickling heated caress, it just heightens his sensitivity, Donghae’s touches the becoming so unnervingly arousing it only leaves him with an insatiable crave, unable to fight back or protect himself from the Enemy which is Donghae.
Please beg me to stay…
Eunhyuk had absolutely no defense against him.
His clothes would even melt on the spot if Donghae’s naturally scorching hot touches were to embrace him in any seductive way.
I don’t want to do it anymore…
He was Eunhyuk’s greatest weakness and for that he’s never hated himself more.
Rule number one in the Frost Kingdom: Never play with your weakness.
With that rule quietly whispered in the back of his head, he quickly pushes the other off, barely saving himself from the man’s soft, thin lips slowly, lovingly, inching his way towards his awaiting mouth.
He pants harshly as the buzz left him cold, his body shivering as it goes back to it’s normal below-zero temperature.
Why does the world have to be so cold?
Eyes flashed several times to gain control of his thoughts, the blonde blatantly ignoring the flicker of rejection that crossed Donghae’s features.
His heart ached, almost literally, as if crying from the loss of Donghae’s touch, but he has to ignore it, refusing himself be kissed by his old friend.
If Donghae would have kissed him, reminded him of how much he longed for that type of intimacy again, there would be no turning back; no need to say no, and no reason to resist.
I could never say no to you again…
And he can’t afford to have that.
Eyes clearing enough to gain a hold of his emotions, he musters all of his strength to coldly glare at Donghae, the said fairy glaring back just as spiteful.
“You know you aren’t allowed to touch me,” he spits out, voice filled with ice as he tries to come off as unaffected.
I know you can see through me…
Donghae scoffs, seemingly aware of his bluff and opens his mouth to retaliate when they hear a despairing cry come shake the air around them.
The rose had quickly paled into a deathly yellow.
“Great, just great. NOW look at what you did,” Eunhyuk scolds icily, striding quickly back to ease the rose into her comfort zone again, desperately needing to focus back at the task at hand.
Memories of Donghae’s past embraces echo throughout his mind and his heart painfully throbs at how much he missed the other.
It’s already too late...
Donghae exasperatedly sighs; unaware of Eunhyuk’s internal turmoil as he kicks a lady bug that just happened to be there.
“Yah, it’s not my fault she told you she was heartbroken. I wasn’t the one who forced her to fall in love with you, you know. Hell, you should have just told her you were engaged! Aiishh.. Why’d you have to be so nice to her anyway? You know you belong to me, but now look at what you did. Now she’s dying of a broken, jealous as fuck heart while I’m dying from loneliness; yet who do you go to comfort? You go after the jealous plant. Arrgghh, you stupid Snow Fairy, and to think I actually missed you…” he mutters angrily, glaring at the ladybug that silently cussed him out.
Eunhyuk rolls his eyes, ignoring the comment and his fluttering heart.
He misses me…
He tries not to smile as he focuses on comforting the heartbroken rose to bloom again.
Jealousy continues to wilt a few more of her petals, finally making Eunhyuk panic inside when she refused to let it go.
“Come on sweetie, don’t even mind him,” he tries to soothe, attempting to be as convincing as possible. “He does that with everybody, hun, really… but look, that’s not the point. You need to bloom, love. Whether or not I’m engaged to him shouldn’t even bother you an--”
Another petal dies and drops, swiftly cutting Eunhyuk off midsentence as the envious feeling stubbornly kills her from the outside-in.
“Babe…you gotta understand, he means nothing to me. I--”
More petals fall and the Rose weeps more determinedly, her silent sobs rapidly filling the air with a broken heart.
Eunhyuk reluctantly sighs, having no choice but to do the only thing that can save her.
Brown eyes glow a faint silver and blue as he leans in and lightly kisses the yellowed petal of the dejected rose.
The wilting instantly stops, a mystical frost crawling its way up her stem and gently cradling her in ice, the Rose heartbrokenly sheathing her last petal to the grass below.
He whispers more words of comfort as he encases her in frozen crystal, encasing her beauty entirely before the envious newborn shed herself bare.
The kind fairy gives one last kiss before stepping back, looking sadly at the rose now frozen in time until Winter passes.
And once again my feelings for you puts another in misery…
He depressingly sighs and turns away, eyes going back to his chocolate brown color before lifting himself up and quickly fluttering away, too upset to even bother with a worried Donghae who’s yelling after him.
The rose almost died from a broken heart because of me…
Eunhyuk sighs sadly again, feeling his own heart blanket itself in ice when he can picture Donghae’s face, looking back at the times when they were younger and less complicated.
Oh how he can relate.
Donghae frustratingly sighs and lands back down on the leaf, giving up on chasing after the depressed fairy before gazing almost menacingly at the frozen encased rose.
Eunhyuk really was too kind for his own good; she was beautiful, even when frozen in time.
The Weather Fairy of Snow had sparingly restored her back to mid-bloom, fallen petals regaining their deep scarlet color and reattaching themselves onto her physique as he trapped her as a frozen portrait of the beauty she could be.
Knowing Eunhyuk, she won’t be able to revive until next Spring, most likely so that Sungmin, the Weather Fairy of Sunshine, and Nari, the beautiful Mother Nature, could openly caress her petals in warmth and light, endlessly showering her with love the way she wanted it.
He felt a pang of jealousy towards the Rose.
A Rose’s sensitivity to the environment pretty much guarantees them all the love they could ever ask for, yet the very minute the attention isn’t there and they dramatically turn to suicide, fairies of all magic cater to their every need, heedlessly complying with every selfish demand and fulfilling every selfish desire.
This particular Rose claimed she needed Eunhyuk. She demanded it, desired it, hell, cried for it, but the harsh reality was that the Snow Fairy’s heart wasn’t involved with the words he was saying.
So, she chose death.
It disgusts Donghae to his very core on how spoiled these plants could be.
He loved Eunhyuk first, so why should he be the one to back down when he’s loved the man longer?
She was selfish, needy, and knew Eunhyuk was just too kind to let her self destruct, so he had to watch his very love give her what he wanted most.
A kiss~
He glares at the crystallized Rose again.
He could seriously spot the ploy miles away, but this is what happens when he lets Eunhyuk make his own decisions.
Too damn kind for your own good.
He can’t really blame her for trying, though. He himself was after the same thing.
A Snow Fairy’s kiss is one of the most invigorating experiences one of another kind could ever experience.
It’s cold, but mouth-watering. The moment a Snow Fairy places his lips on you the feeling washes over you, giving you a breath of fresh air, and slowly eases your mind blank before drowning you in a pool of chilled, crisp, refreshing trembles of love; shivers constantly shuddering down your spine as an icy chill, the silver mist that always sparkles about them, caress at your sides.
It’s beautiful.
A breath of divinity.
And he would give anything to feel that feeling again, drown himself in it if he could, but not with just any Snow Fairy, no, he wanted Eunhyuk.
His first love and the man he swears he’s going to marry.
But does Fate seem to be on his side? No, the stupid, envious, bitchy rose had to get it first.
Donghae sighs again, kicking dejectedly at the leaf as he thinks of his unrequited affair, the last thing his Snow Fairy said now speaking loudly in his mind.
“Babe…you gotta understand, he means nothing to me..”
The impact of what Eunhyuk might have truly meant finally took its toll and stabbed mercilessly at his heart.
“Babe…you gotta understand, he means nothing to me…”
He sits down and covers his face, elbows resting on his knees, sighing deeply as he slowly let’s his resolve go.
“…he means nothing to me…”
Flashes of when they were younger play itself before his eyes, memories dangling in front of him, teasing him of what could be before it finally broke him down, leaving him raw.
“… nothing to me…”
Where had he gone wrong? He had always loved Eunhyuk with all of his heart..
“… nothing…”
A tear silently falls down his face.
A/N: Ummm.. Did I do okay?
I swear I'll get better.
Don't give up on me yet.
... I need a hug *scared of reaction*