(no subject)

May 23, 2010 15:55


1. Death of Jin and Sun - Season 6, The Candidate

2. Charlie drowns - Season 3, Through the Looking Glass

3. Penny and Desmond find each other - Season 4, The Constant

4. Reveal of the first flash forward - Season 3, Through the Looking Glass

5. Keamy shoots Alex in the head - Season 4, The Shape of Things to Come

6. "Why do you find it so hard to believe?" "Why do you find it so easy?" Jack is the first person to push the button. - Season 2, Orientation

7. The freighter explosion - Season 4, There's No Place Like Home, Parts II and III

8. Desmond turns the failsafe key - Season 2, Live Together, Die Alone

9. Juliet falls - The Incident

10. Hurley and Charlie drive the Dharma van - Tricia Tanaka is Dead

11. Jack telling the "counted to 5" story to Kate - Pilot, Part 1

12. Ben: "You guys got any milk?" - The Whole Truth

13. The Oceanic 6 get off the plane - There's No Place Like Home, Part I

14. Reveal of New Otherton - A Tale of Two Cities

15. Sawyer enters the cave - The Substitute

16. Sawyer and Jack beat the crap out of each other - The Incident

17. Reveal of Locke in the coffin - There's No Place Like Home, Parts II and III

18. Reveal of Sawyer and Juliet as a couple - LaFleur


20. WAAAAAAAAAAAAALT is taken by the others - Exodus, Part 2

21. "Live together, die alone" - White Rabbit

22. The light turns on in the hatch - Deux Ex Machina

23. Hurley saves the day - Through the Looking Glass

24. Sawyer jumps from the helicopter - There's No Place Like Home, Parts II and III

25. Dharma purge - The Man Behind the Curtain

26. A broken Sawyer throws the engagement ring into the water - What Kate Does

27. Sawyer shoots the polar bear - Pilot, Part 2

28. Ben to Juliet: "You're mine." - The Other Woman

29. Claire & Charlie and the invisible peanut butter - Confidence Man

30. Juliet detonates the bomb - The Incident

31. Sayid works for Ben - The Economist

32. Ben kills Locke - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

33. Locke & Jack open the hatch - Exodus, Part 2

34. First time we see Jacob and MIB - The Incident

35. Ben sneaks into Charles Widmore's room in the middle of the night - The Shape of Things to Come

36. Reveal of Kate as the fugitive - Pilot, Part 2

37. Discovery of Adam & Eve - House of the Rising Sun

38. Rousseau's transmission - Pilot, Part 2

39. Ben kills Jacob - The Incident

40. Kate and Sawyer have cage sex - I Do

41. Martin Keamy makes great eggs - Sundown

42. Reveal that Locke was in a wheelchair - Walkabout

43. Jacob recruits Richard - Ab Aerterno

44. Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel - There's No Place Like Home, Parts II and III

45. Boone dies while Aaron is born - Do No Harm (AND JACK GIVES HIM A TRANSFUSION!!)

46. Tail section crash - The Other 48 Days
47. The blast door map - Lockdown

48. Kate begs Jack to do the surgery on Ben - I Do

49. Bernard and Rose reunited - Collision

49. Locke & Ben visit the cabin - The Man Behind the Curtain

50. Michael shoots Libby and Ana Lucia - Two for the Road

51. Locke meets the Smokemonster - Walkabout

52. Nikki and Paolo get buried alive - Exposé
53. Birth of the Smoke Monster - Across the Sea
54. Penny finds Desmond at the stadium - Live Together, Die Alone
55. Reveal of Ben as the leader of the Others - Live Together, Die Alone
56. Jack & Kate first kiss - What Kate Did
57. Richard Alpert visits Locke as a child - Cabin Fever
58. Kate raising Aaron - Eggtown
59. Sayid shoots little Ben - He's Our You
60. Return of (feral) Claire - What Kate Does

61. Locke tries to convince everyone to let the smoke monster take him - Exodus, Part 2

62. Juliet makes secret video tape for Jack - The Cost of Living

63. Sayid kills a man WITH HIS FREAKING ANKLES. - Through the Looking Glass

64. Smokey massacre at the temple - Sundown

65. Flight 815 lands at LAX - LA X

66. Charlie hung up by Ethan - All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues

67. Kate blows up her dad - What Kate Did
68. Faraday drops in - The Beginning of the End
69. Eloise explains that The Lamp Post is an off-island Dharma station - 316
70. Sun and Hurley visit Jin's grave - Ji Yeon
71. Libby in the mental hospital - Dave
72. Jack and Kate get engaged - Something Nice Back Home

73. Sawyer gets Kate to kiss him - Confidence Man

74. Artic station finale - Live Together, Die Alone
75. Ben Linus, middle school teacher - The Substitute
76. Eloise shoots Daniel - The Variable

77. Sawyer kills Locke's father - The Brig

78. The Oceanic 6 all show up for Ajira Airways 316 - 316
79. Shannon dies - Abandoned
80. Sawyer steals the guns. "I'm not a good person, Charlie. Never did a good thing in my life." - The Long Con
81. Mrs. Klugh gives Michael the list - Three Minutes
82. Christian & Claire in the cabin - Cabin Fever

83. Sun finds out the baby is Jin's - D.O.C.

84. Christian visits Claire - Par Avion

85. Ben shoots Locke - The Man Behind the Curtain
86. Juliet tells Jin about Sun's affair - Ji Yeon
87. Locke visits Walt - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
88. Jack becomes the new Jacob - What They Died For
89. Juliet and Kate fight in the mud. - Left Behind
90. Ben and Sawyer go up the hill (reveal of Hydra Island) - Every Man for Himself
91. Locke blows up The Flame - Enter 77
92. Jack kisses Juliet - The Other Woman
93. Charlie visits Hurley at Santa Rosa - The Beginning of the End

94. Ben kills Keamy - There's No Place Like Home, Parts II and III

95. Jack has faith that the dynamite will not explode - Dr. Linus
96. Rousseau et all pick up Jin - The Little Prince
97. Jack visits Claire's mom in the hotel - The Little Prince
98. Richard Alpert takes Ben (Oceanic 6 take Ben's innocence) - Whatever Happened, Happened
99. Hippie Rose & Bernard - The Incident
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