**(Stolen from Jae)**
These are the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing's users (as of today). As usual, bold what you have read, italicise that you started but couldn't finish, and strike through what you couldn't stand. Add an asterisk to those you've read more than once. Underline those on your to-read list.
Happy Reading,
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Comments 3
My other complaint is 'The three musketeers.' This book is part of a massive series of many thousands of pages. Just reading the first book leaves out a lot of the plot line and story conclusions. just saying....
Grouping all these books together is like saying The Andy Griffith Show, Sportscenter, and Guitar Hero are all the same thing, just because "we all see them on TV". You're doing fine as an English major Jackie, lists by non-professionals (as I imagine LibraryThing isn't the Harvard endorsed site) tend to contain some pretty odd things.
Remember: "Suck on my Chocolate Salty Balls" from the Southpark album was #1 in England for like 2 months. Charts just reflect the what real people are thinking. Take the average person, and realize that 50% of people are stupider than they are.
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