I do believe the world is ending.

Jul 20, 2005 14:58

Things are getting pretty strange up in here.

Before going to work yesterday, I was informed that one of my friends from high school is bisexual and now has a boyfriend. I guess I was a little surprised, but not shocked.

Then I went to work and had some very interesting customers. There was a lady that was there for an hour and a half. In Hallmark ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lord_strife July 20 2005, 23:01:30 UTC
ROFL, I need to inform me which Charlotte High kids are having all these issues, because I don't recall any of that.

You're dad is awesome! He has to be a little sick and twisted to take a picture of a cats ass like that. You should just pull the string and see how much pulls out! You def. need pictures of that!

You should talk your manager into adopting the Publix rules for tipping. Decline at first, but if they insist you have to take it. You wouldn't want the customer to think you're too good for their money :]


kikkerofelves July 20 2005, 23:17:47 UTC
They aren't Charlotte High kids, thank goodness. If those things were going on with my gang down there...I'd have to kick some ass, haha. Even though I DO know a few that are married/pregnant or both. ::sigh:: The youth of America today...haha jk!

And my dad is freakin' insane, I swear. Who the heck would get excited and grab their camera in a situation like that?! Yeah, my point exactly. And my cat pooped out the rest of the ribbon, thank the Lord. He seems much, much happier now, haha.

Psh, I wish my manager was at the store last night when it happened. But my co-worker told me not to take it, so yeah. Maybe she was just jealous that SHE didn't get it. I guess I have a way with middle-aged Middle Eastern men ;)

Love thee!


tareuh18 July 20 2005, 23:18:05 UTC
You miiight need to take kitty to the vet. My cat(s) have eaten ribbin numerous times, but they were short (only about a foot at most.) It is pretty funny to see it hang out of the butt/dangle in the litter box. I just know that it can cause intesine damage or something. I'd say if he isn't screaming in pain that he should be fine.

Oh- my old cat, Tut, use to eat the tinsel off the Christmas tree so allll Christmas season he would brighten the room with tinsel butt. hahahaha. (We stopped using it after that year. haha)


kikkerofelves July 20 2005, 23:24:04 UTC
hahahaha Silly kitties! Thanks for the advice, Tara ♥


mscoquette July 21 2005, 02:25:24 UTC
I am sick and twisted.

I looked at the picture.



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