hisashiburi!!!tetsu_kazukiApril 19 2006, 01:34:28 UTC
iriaca san genki?? >.< i havent talk to you for a loooonggg time.. and i have unsubscribed from cielers yahoo group ;;_;; there were so many spams..is it still the same? anyway just wanted to say hi~^O^
Comments 5
But wait!
I have already been added here!
*comments anyway?* ^^;;;
yar, just let me know where's yr new hiding place and id pay a visit (not literally lar)!!
take care!!
take care =)
>.< i havent talk to you for a loooonggg time..
and i have unsubscribed from cielers yahoo group ;;_;; there were so many spams..is it still the same?
anyway just wanted to say hi~^O^
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