schedule for spring semester (1/18/05 - 5/6/05):
PubH3004 12:20-1:10
possible work 1:30-4
Kappa Alpha Theta (sorority) formal dinner and meeting 4:30-6:30ish
UBand (second band) 7-something - 9
Kappa Kappa Psi (band fraternity) meeting 9:15-10:15
possible work 7-9:30
Psy3617 9:45-11
Mus1015 11:15-12:05
PubH3004 12:20-1:10
possible work 1:30-5
Hockey Band rehearsal 7:00-8:00
WAB rehearsal 8:00-9:00
possible work 7-11
Mus1015 11:15-12:05
PubH3004 12:20-1:10
possible work 1:30-5
Pol1025 6:20-8:50
possible work 7-9:30
Psy3617 9:45-11
Mus1015 11:15-12:05
PubH3004 12:20-1:10
possible work 1:30-5
UBand (late band) 7-something - 9
Mus1015 1:25-3:20 (OPTIONAL movie viewing day)
PubH3004 Concepts in Personal and Community Health
Description: Scientific, sociocultural, and attitudinal aspects of communicable and degenerative diseases, environmental and occupational health hazards, and alcohol and drug problems. Role of education in health conservation, disease control, and drug abuse.
4 credits
Psy3617 Intro to Clinical Psych
Description: Historical developments, contemporary issues. Trends in psychological assessment methods, intervention strategies, and clinical psychology research. Theories behind, empirical evidence for, usefulness of psychological intervention strategies.
3 credits
Mus1015 Music and Movies
Description: Film from perspectives of its use/representation of music/musicians. How does music underscore nuances of action, characterization, and feeling in film? Roles of music in film musicals, rock, and other vernacular films. Films about musical life. Films whose structure is musically based.
4 credits
Pol1025 Global Politics
Description: Study of international relations and issues in contemporary world affairs. Forms of state interaction from violent conflict to cooperation and integration; activities of international institutions; transnational relations involving non-state actors such as international businesses, human rights networks, and environmental movements.
4 credits
Mus3490 section 002
Hockey Pep Band
1 credit
Mus3490 section 003
Women's Athletics Band
(also self-explanatory)
1 credit
Mus3410 section 003
University Band
Description: Wind ensemble and symphony bands perform standard and contemporary literature; concerts and tour appearances. Players from all colleges may participate.
1 credit
18 total credits, which means I can drop one class or any of the musical ensembles if I want. Nothing Fridays, nothing Monday mornings.. planned so I can go to Canada (or elsewhere) on weekends when there aren't pep band gigs. Possible work 22 hours/week but I would guess I'll actually end up with ~15.