[HERE'S THE TRANSLATION OF THE TWEET] Also, just a reminder that there will always be people who make up stories. I'm not saying that this story is made up, nor am I doubting Juri's character but please keep in mind this story may be as real as it is not. Nevertheless, it's a
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okay i'm just going to make it a thing that i post in dot point from now on. all my blog posts will be in dot points because i'm too lazy for sentences.
this is going to be a quick post with lots of typos and what nots so don't read if you get bothered by that stuff also i think i'll write in bullet points
it's almost 1am right now and i have school tomorrow (that's why this post is going to be full of oopsies)
i finished fuma's translation in like half an hour B) *claps at myself*
Okay so here's the source but for fuck's sake. AGAIN. "Kimi ni hitomebore" is Sexy Zone's new song and it's for Kento drama whatever it's called (sorry can't think straight I'm so mad) BUT ORICON IS SAYING THAT IT'LL BE LIKE THEIR LAST SINGLE AND HAVE KENTO AND FUMA AND SHORI ONLY IM SO FUCKING MAD AND IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE SOME SEX APPEAL OR SOME
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I'm going to talk about two things, one that made me laugh and one that made me mad. 1. The suggestions that come up when you type in 'smap nakai' into Google 2. My country's opinion of bilingual/bicultural kids
[sou-chan]I want to make my dance better. After Gamushara Sexy NatsuMatsuri, I want to become better at dancing and I think I can do it too! ...That's the confidence I was able to develop (from the concert). From about last year, I wanted to master the basics, and I was thinking of going to dancing lessons but at
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Okay so I pre-ordered it on Rakuten and if I was in Japan I'd have it by now but (sad face) I don't live there so I'm waiting for it to come LIKE HURRY UP TENSOU JAPAN. I NEED TO WATCH I NEED SOME MORE SEXY ZONE IN MY LIFE. PLS. I haven't actually listened to the full song yet and I don't want to download it and ugh
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[cw; negativity] Today, I went out for a picnic with my friends and my friend bought the voss water. She went on about how it was expensive but was jokingly like "it's because it's from Norweigh." Well whatever okay, anyway she bought it and she drank a bit of it before laughing and exclaiming that it tasted like normal water. My other friend tried some and did
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