just because you aren't the cookie cutter that u of m may have wanted doesn't mean you aren't talented. I know you have what it takes to do whatever it is you desire to do in this lifetime, so don't fret, because you are one of the most gifted humans i know and all will be well.....ballsac?! seemed like the thing to say. steve $$ czarnecki
Comments 11
But he said you needed a skirt? WTF?!
I've always thought U of M is way overrated. Fuck them. Do theater anyways and love it.
as usual, the only thing left to say is ballsac.
yeah, the lady told me i should have worn a skirt to. wtf?! we looked nice. just cuz i'm a female doesn't mean i have to waer a skirt. bitch.
but anyway, i love you!!!
steve $$ czarnecki
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