Disclaimer: These are purely my opinions on life. Things I've heard about are only based on rumors or television. Thank you.
Title: Life, Summer, and Politics
Has life turned for the better or for the worst?
In a span of 3 months prior, I have: Lost all contact with one of my best friends, learned that my other best friend has gotten a better life, finally gotten off my lazy ass and have caught up with todays life wasting technology, found out that one of my favorite paranormal people are going to finally be on the West Coast just in time for me to not even get to go, some people from said paranormal group that I liked is retired, recieved a free flight lesson for my Birthday, learned that college is ever fast approaching with the fear that I might not even have enough money for it, ontop of that, lacking a job, people really like to try hitting me in my mom's car (it's always something about blue cars), and my life as I know it has turned into confusing as hell~
Next? Pet peev's:
-Just-Slow-enough drivers: Did you know that if you drive slow enough under the speed limit, that you can get a ticket? Yeah, didn't know that. Luckly, I have yet have that happen to myself, but other people apparently know this too....and do it to piss people Off. It really sucks when you're behind those people that go just-slow-enough-that-you-won't-get-pulled-over-for-pissing-off-race-car-like-drivers, that when you want to pass said people, in the oncomming lane of traffic, drivers are spaced just so, and the road is curved just right, That you can't pass em till the next passing lane which the sign you just passed said that it's another 42 miles. I've also heard that there is a bright side to this, that if you go slower, you save that much more gas. Another reason why I hate slow drivers. They have a reason.
-The Heat: That's pretty much self explanitory. For one, I am glad that where I live, We get all the effects of what the seasons are supose to do. On the other hand, I really hate that where I live, We get all the effects of what the seasons are supose to do. Right now, the season I am in is what most people call Summer, the heat from hell on earth. Nothing good comes from the heat. You get that one sunburn that stings like heck for a week on that one place you forgot to put on some of that ever greasy sun block that works like shit, and people now a days are too self aware of their looks when they see six pack men or the skimpy women in way-too-small for thy liking bikini's. Wake up people. We're American, we're suppose to look stupid and self aware: It's the American way. Also, look at it this way, you're not like the celebrities that lost so much weight that they really DO keep up the American reputation. I say that you're better off fat. Don't go to every fast food joint in town though, have enough sense to keep a healthy diet. The only thing summer is good for is that you actually get a break from school so instead of sleeping on a desk durring the lecture about the upcomming final exam, you can fall asleep on your bed and miss the important phone call that allowed you your summer job at the near by pizza joint.
IT's a war frenzy!!! Iran vs Iraq, Iraq vs US, Gorgia vs US, Obama vs McCain, Pizza vs Pie! When will the fighting ever stop?! (1/5 of that in November) This country is in way over it's head in debt and phsycotic-ness, (If you're just now realising this, you've must've been in a comma for 5 years.) The Troops are probably the only sane people in this world 'cause they're actually doing alot of good! By the way, CNN?(aka: Constantly Negitive News) The Daily show has so gotten you beat by covering the election 2008 (The Colbert Report comes in second place). I have learned that Soldiers actually avoid news broadcasters while in Iraq because the news only reports the tragity. (way to stay with your repputation, CNN). I hate War period. I don't hate the people in the war.
Myspace should rename the title "Blogs" with "Stress Relief 101"