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Jan 18, 2019 17:18

As many as 100 health care workers have lost their license to practice in Florida because they can’t repay their student loans - a new crackdown potentially putting hundreds out of work, the I-Team found.
The move to suspend health care licenses comes after federal student loan companies spent years lobbying states to adopt laws to punish those who default on student loans by taking away their professional licenses.
But an ABC Action News review found Florida is the only state enforcing those laws.
Investigative Reporter Adam Walser uncovered the state’s Board of Health estimates it suspended between 90 and 120 health care licenses - including professional certifications for registered nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, pharmacists and opticians - in the just the past two years alone.
The I-Team found 12 other states (Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas) still have the power to take away health care licenses for unpaid student loans, but officials in those states told ABC Action News they have not suspended any licenses over loan defaults in the past two years.

Во Флориде за неуплаченные студентческие долги отбирают лицензии на работу в медицинской области. Не бойтесь, не у докторов, которые зарабатывают столько, что могут не только вернуть деньги за учебу, но и прикупить себе небольшой островок, если надо. Отбирают у разного вида медсестер и фармацевтов, чьи заработки бывают весьма мизерными (не у всех, но бывают). А без лицензии ты работать не можешь и... долги вернуть по идее тоже не сможешь уже никогда. Так и живут

медицина, Америка, экономика

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