What a week :D

Jun 19, 2007 20:34

News from work… I got a chat with my boss this week and I received my raise. I am a bit deceive by it even if it isn’t bad at all, %2.1 but I was expecting more since we did open a new base. After some negotiations where he explained that between the %17 raise I had last year, because the new base wasn’t officially open before the new financial year and also because we are still waiting for that base to be active (thence the lost of money in our budget this year) he couldn’t afford to give me more.

He did acknowledge my very good performance and didn’t give me anything to improve. The only goal settle for me is to keep the good work and to help in the new work relations that the future changes in staffing will bring. That is always good to hear that they do take notice of your good work and that they can’t find anything to really complain about.

I was able to get him to raise a bit my bonus this year which is better than nothing. I also had his words about making sure that the new base will be considered in my next year raise. He did come true to his word last year so I have great confidence that he will next year too.

Last week, I also had two friends visiting me. It was the first time I saw them IRL and there visit was really pleasurable. It started on a frustrating note. I got a call from one of them telling me that the bus driver told them that they were on the wrong bus (they were on the right bus and it was the driver that was too dumb to know his run and/or to read the streets name). With a lot of difficulties due to the bus driver ignorance (didn’t even know which hospital his run was disserving) we were able top finally get them out at the right stop.

We got home, I help them with their luggage and while they were taking possession of the room I offered them, they gave me some nice gifts (a wolfy birthday card, a horsy pin and a sculptured slat with wolves on it. We were all tired so they called up a restaurant, put some DVD and chatted until late at night.

I had to work all day that week but I still enjoyed their company in the evening. I did cooked for them some nights and other they took care of themselves. Even if you could feel their… should I say shyness or hesitations… they were still very social and a lot of fun to have around.

The weather was pretty warm all week but I couldn’t let them go without giving them the chance to enjoy my Kildoo so Friday night (the warmest of the evening) I fixed my suit, put my makeup and suited up for them. As soon as I got in the living room, I was drag between them were we cuddled for quite some time. By the time it was time for my to clean myself and go to bed I was quite soak out.

Saturday morning I suited up again to go at the furmeet and I headed out. On my way to the bus stop, a man asked me to go in his house to surprised his friends (he even offered me a beer which I politely declined). I got into his house with him right behind me and surprised his friends. They got a good laugh I we were heading back to the bus stop. Seeing that the bus wasn’t coming, we decided to walk to the subway station.

There, I unwillingly scared the clerc (he was reading a book and when he saw me he was startled). Being a real jerk he refused to let me pass and ordered me to take out my mask pretending a bogus rule. I then took some time to reach my pass and took the automatic gate waving him a good day. (I did report his rude conduct to the bus company later ion that week though).

On my way to the museum, I stopped by the place I ordered a leather muzzle for my Kildoo to have it adjusted for him and we went to the address I took before leaving. Once there, I notice that there was no museum. In my haste, I had forgotten to check which side on the street the address was for (east or west) and sure enough I was on the wrong way.

After another long walk on the hot sun and another subway trip we were finally at the museum. Being 30 minutes late, I didn’t look around for the other Monfur and went directly to the ticket booth were someone caught us to tell us that everyone was waiting on the other side of the street. Hooray! For furry time LOL

I was sadden to see that I was the only one wearing a fur suit to go visit the Disney exposition (well Daniel was wearing the tail that I had lent him). From the museum were very enthusiastic about my presence and I got a few hugs and many pictures were taken before we enter the exposition room.

Once inside, no photo were allowed so I had to go out once to please a new furry. The guy was new to the fandom and I introduced him to all the fur present. He was really happy to have made so many contacts in the fandom that day. Another fun fact is that he was from the same town than my visitors. They exchanged contacts info and we went back to the exposition.

All along the journey through the wonderful arts and info about Waltz Disney, I got many smiles and waves from the children and some humorous remarks from the adults. I was astonish to see how Disney got some of his inspiration and how close he was sticking about them in his drawings. Another fact that surprised me was how much the German arts (and how awesome many of them were) influenced him.

Another coincidence hit me hard that day. I had notice all along that an elderly lady (between 75YO and 80 YO) was almost always near me but I put that on the fact that we were probably just going through the exposition at the same paste. As I was restraining tears in the section were Fantasia was meeting with Bambi (my two favorite Disney movie and they always brought deep feeling in me) she came and talked to me.

She told me that when her father brought her for the first time, it was for the first presentation of Bambi in 1941. She told me how that single movie changed her life. She also talked about how wonderful that his dreams (Waltz Disney’s dreams) influenced so many people in such a good way; talking about his father and about how thankful we should be for his hard time as a child. We parted with thanking each other. She first thanked me for having listening to her and I truly was in debt for her sharing of such wonderful feelings.

I felt in love with a small statue of Bacchus (Dionysos) riding his drunken donkey from Fantasia. Going there I wondered why I was paying to go there since I saw almost every single movie that Disney did (yes, even the more serious ones on nature) but I saw there things that really brought emotions and were so artistic.

As I got to the end of that part of the museum (the exposition on Disney), I learned that some Monfur had gone back to the beginning with people that were extra late for the meet. Sweating in my fursuit, I informed them that I was going to see other expositions in the meanwhile.

Me and my two visitors we then went to the second basement and take a look at the art there. It was a small exposition about new artist that were influenced by Disney art. Some I like, some I got and some just left me in the dark. Two pieces did get my attention though. The first one was a very large painting of a small child praying (and you could see a picture of Donald Duck in his prayer). It was at first sight pretty common but when looked at it more seriously, you could see that he had two prosthetic arms.

That touch me deeply and I am still pondering if the painter was painting a very human Pinocchio or if he was a real boy and that all dream can come through. The mystery will haunt me for a very long time I am sure. It was a really nice piece of art.

The other piece that caught my attention was a statue of a small man wearing Mickey’s ears on his head. I spontaneously went just buy him and took a pose. That got the museum employees bursting to laugh with the few visitors there. They ask if they could take a picture which I agreed but I ask them the same thing. They hesitated but finally agreed. I am really proud of the picture that Zets took.

We went to other room where we came upon some nice modern art. I really need to go to museum more often. I had forgotten how much some arts can move me and deeply touch me. I also noticed that I enjoy it from another perspective than I did many years ago. I will certainly visit more art museums in the future.

The other Monfur caught up with us and we went for a quick bite in a mail. As usual, I ordered some pizza and I had to fight with the plastic utensils to be able to eat my pizza. Once the main meal eaten, I went to order a milkshake and that is when I had the second turn off of the day. A security guy that wanted to feel important came and asked me to take out my mask, which I refused (I would rather have a find or being arrested then to take out my head). At least he was courteous even if not really bright.

So I took my shake, gave my goodbye to the rest of the Monfur and left the mall. I will go this week or next week there to discuss with the person in charge of the security. I am sure that we can agree that it would be foolish to try and do a rubbery or to do vandalism while in fursuit. First we couldn’t run as fast, no way to really disappear in the crowd and why wanting to damage so an expansive piece for a few buck.
Gee I have been eating pizza in airport; going to restaurant, and usually people even comes out just to invite me to come in their shop. It really puzzles me that some people don’t use more judgment about rules.

So we got home where I felt asleep on the cough and Daniel fell asleep on Zets laps as he was watching V for Vendetta. At eight they awaked me and we went to the club. Sunday morning I had to work so I left while they were sleeping and I only saw them shortly while they did their last preparation prior to their departure.

It was a really nice week and weekend. There are times like that where I simply feel really blessed. This past month have been nothing short than extraordinary. I sure hope the months to come will be as entertaining and enjoyable as this one.

And for the new ones in my LJ, I want you to know that I post on regular basis on a TMI NSFW BDSM filter. If you want in just ask and I'll add you up.
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