leave me your name and i'll tell you why i love you. leave me your name and i'll tell you why i love you. leave me your name and i'll tell you why i love you.
1]you burnt me the mars volta cd 2]you dont suck at drawing 3]you arent boastful about your said drawings 4]the rain is spain falls mainly on the plane 5]sally sells seashells on the seashore 6]you like bright eyes [okay, so from what little i know, you have great musical taste] 7]god is annoying after being said the 10th time in a sentence, isnt he? 8]happy pappy catches crappy crappie 9]sailor moon manga..yah! :does little sailor moon transformation dance thing: 10]youre just too awesome for words
Comments 22
2]you dont suck at drawing
3]you arent boastful about your said drawings
4]the rain is spain falls mainly on the plane
5]sally sells seashells on the seashore
6]you like bright eyes [okay, so from what little i know, you have great musical taste]
7]god is annoying after being said the 10th time in a sentence, isnt he?
8]happy pappy catches crappy crappie
9]sailor moon manga..yah! :does little sailor moon transformation dance thing:
10]youre just too awesome for words
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