1. Constant / active use requires minimum resonance (30%): Madness - Wavelenght
Hades has kept his inability to lie though it works now as a kind of constant passive-offensive weapon ability that works similar to an anti-madness wavelength which Hades constantly emits. Tying in with Hades’ status as being both, the god of the dead and the god of madness, his ‘truth’-wavelenght is more comparable to an alternate kind of madness that has been harnessed rather than the average calming effect of a normal anti-madness wavelength. (Comparable to how Black*Star and Kid were able to turn their madness into something good and use it against Eibon in the series.)
Like this, it works against the standard madness by equaling it to delusion or “something that is not true” (for example madness-driven illusions of “I can win against everything” or “if I eat 1000 souls my dead lover will come back to life”) which it would reject and be especially effective against (“truth shattering delusion”). The drawback of this ability is that it works too well - whenever it is used against madness there will be a feedback that hits the wielder of the weapon as well, leaving them temporarily hyper-aware of any illusions and un-thruths they may have themselves. Thanks to this using Hades as a weapon is going to be very emotionally taxing. It’s effects on Hades is be that he is still unable to literally lie, but this inability now comes with additional experiencing intense pain whenever he tries to do so.
During normal battles this ability translates into a chance to cause a weak "fear of death" effect that induces temporary stunning or confusion if somebody other than the user gets too close to the weapon while it's being used. (The effect can be the better controlled the better the resonance is.) It lasts 1-5 seconds and has the function to dip those mili-second chances that can be crucial in battles in Hades’ and his partner’s favor; fitting to Hades' being the god of the dead and his usual trademark ability of reflecting the soul of those who see him - For example, it might make Crona have the feeling s/he heard Medusa call his/her name somewhere close-by or have somebody who's scared of spiders think they just saw a specially nasty one close-by from the corner of their eyes. The range for this ability is 10 feet (3 meter).
2. Medium resonance (50%): Of the Beneath
Hades upgrades his weapon-form into an elemental version of the meteor hammer - either by becoming an exceptionally good conductor for element-granting soul abilities like icy soul or scorching soul (in such cases the used element won’t harm him or the wielder) or by gaining the element of “earth”. In this case he is able to control the surrounding ground to small extents if he’s being hit against the it. Possible uses for this are the creation of stepping stones, stone needles to stab/trip opponents or pieces of rock as make-shift shields, for example. Already gathered souls influence how long this shape can be held (limiting the time one has to attack or use it) and how long it will take to recharge afterwards . The drawback of this ability is that it requires a pretty good resonance.
3. Perfect resonance / tamshii no kyomen! (100%): Divine Entertainment
Hades’ abilities merge to create a version of the meteor hammer where it’s heads and even the chain arer eplaced by a black substance that has the ability dissolve whatever it touches without any remains, making it similar to a semi-controlled back hole (which could be considered an absolute form of annihilation or death). At this stage only the Meister can touch it safely anymore and it will gain considerable momentum and speed when wielded. The dissolving works in the way that only what is directly touched gets negated, meaning that non-fatal hits are very much possible. (For example, hitting a wall with it would create a hole in it but not destroy the wall as a whole or, as a less nice example, hitting an opponent in a non-lethal spot would cripple them but not kill. - This option will be ooc’ly reserved for opponents who aren’t actively played characters (like kishin eggs on missions).)
The drawback to this is that this form can only be used under special circumstances (you really want to know what you hit), that it is even more difficult to control and that it drains the Meister greatly as soon as the resonance is ended, leaving them nauseous and unable to move properly for a while.