Apr 18, 2005 20:03
wat should i wear to prom...thinkn
mayb i should call ParisSSs and see wat i should wear...she would say DioR
Apr 16, 2005 22:08
i would rather die drowning ...literally...than to be financially supported by any of my rich fucking family members or siblings in college
my mother has a huge vice and i HATE her for it...she can die any second and i wouldnt care and i have this feeling everyday
i feel like drinking my life away at times but it doesnt help at all
Apr 12, 2005 21:43
gathering thoughts...1 sec
my mother is giving me a trip to miami for 2 as a graduation gift yay
Apr 10, 2005 21:06
the last day to pay for the hamptons trip is Friday...iam black (LOL) and i will turn u down
so far 12 pple paid...i kno iam gonna get cramed with money this week
p.s. i got my gucci sneakersSs....yay
Apr 04, 2005 23:44
I was Just thinkIn abouT:.....
This Love is SeriousSs by Gwen Stefani its uBer HOTtT!
Apr 04, 2005 23:36
Todai was a gret day at work like everyday....
Eva from Americas Next top Model came in and i was introduced to her for the 2nd time and she remembered me from the Marc Bouwer show with being with someone, Shante Rogers lol...she wasl liek iu have a great smile and i told her the same...gosh she is gorgeous in person..Yaya looks like ShiShit
Apr 02, 2005 00:22
how many minutes have past since my last post??
i feel sad but i also feel loved at the same time
Mar 30, 2005 20:29
ok i hav one question for everybody is it just me or y isnt any1 paying for the hamptons TriP???
I want every1 2 comment by Thursday at 12:00am estern time and plz tell me FuCkErs?
P.S. sorry for being so meann umm yea that myspace curse from that bullentin that told me to repost was soo right he surprised Me..yay