Dear Keith, You are really _awesome____. You should __walk home with us sometime___. We need to go __get my new wardrobe(lol)___. After that we can around in the rain(seems fun)____. Remember that time we _were in the practice room and you gave mikey the "talk"____? That was real _fun____. Maybe tomorrow we can __talk___. You are my _hero(lol)____. I _love____ you! Love, ___katelyn____ P.S. _*hugs and kisses*____.
Dear Keith, You are really __great!___. You should __dance?!___. We need to go __to the mall for free samples!___. After that we can __do something random?!___. Remember those times we __would sit in my driveway___? That was real __fun/great___. Maybe tomorrow we can __do something!___. You are my __awesome friend___. I ___love__ you! Love, __ernie :-P_____ P.S. __yes...i did change somethings___.
Comments 12
Dear Keith,
You are really _awesome____. You should __walk home with us sometime___. We need to go __get my new wardrobe(lol)___. After that we can around in the rain(seems fun)____. Remember that time we _were in the practice room and you gave mikey the "talk"____? That was real _fun____. Maybe tomorrow we can __talk___. You are my _hero(lol)____. I _love____ you!
Love, ___katelyn____
P.S. _*hugs and kisses*____.
You are really __great!___. You should __dance?!___. We need to go __to the mall for free samples!___. After that we can __do something random?!___. Remember those times we __would sit in my driveway___? That was real __fun/great___. Maybe tomorrow we can __do something!___. You are my __awesome friend___. I ___love__ you!
Love, __ernie :-P_____
P.S. __yes...i did change somethings___.
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