Opening Credits:
Fire On The Mountain by Hanson
Apparently my life starts out with a Gilmore Girl-ish or WB-ish theme song.
Waking Up:
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
First Day At School:
Easy Ride by the Doors
Falling In Love:
You Really Got Me by the Kinks
Fight Song:
Jailbait by Aerosmith
Breaking Up:
The End by the Doors
Mamakin by Aerosmith--prom, 1973 style!
Highway Chile by Jimi Hendrix
Mental Breakdown:
Get Your Gun by Marilyn Manson
Beautiful Day by U2
Slave by Weezer
Getting back together:
Hello, I Love You by the Doors
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window by the Beatles
...interesting, I'm a stripper
Birth of Child:
Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkle
Final Battle:
Achilles Last Stand by Led Zeppelin
Death Scene:
Some Days are Better Than Others by U2
XD nice
Funeral Song:
Wherever I May Roam by Metallica