Jun 06, 2006 18:59
I forgot I had one of these.
Lets see what has happened that is worth writing about...
I planted some carrots yesterday and I got mud everywhere.
Jan 01, 2006 20:14
For whom ever got drunk last night I'm disappointed, I thought that all of you had more sense than that.
Dec 26, 2005 01:27
Christmas wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Lots of fun/useful/unusful stuff. After we got home from my sister's my brother and I sang some Brittany Spears really loud while my mom was on the phone.
Sep 30, 2005 22:42
Which do you think would taste better..a giant(like HUGE) crab or Soylent Green(little green crackers)?
^too much work to eat. ^Yummers, its made of people...
Sep 12, 2005 20:19
Which is better English Muffins or Bagels?
I personally enjoy the yumminess of Bagels more.
Aug 22, 2005 11:58
American Lit-Prescott
Integrated sosot-Downey
German II-Bilen
Symphony Band-Hilton
Adv Algebra-Opalewski
Lunch A...ew. again.
Aug 20, 2005 22:37
Band Camp=fun/pain
Yeah pit!