LiveJournal's on the outs, but I still kind of like it.

Dec 20, 2006 15:03

Soo it's break, and it has been now for like a week, (, bitchezzz!), and I just read LiveJournal for the first time in forever and was like, "Hey! This thing was fun sometimes!" so I thought maybe I'd give it another try.

(I was supposed to go to the aquarium today but I got really really lost trying to get to the T stop, and by the time I untangled myself I was like an hour late. Thus! I am sitting at home, rather than having a fun time in the city with fish and friends, and I have time to write in this thing).

Yesterday I went to Bodyworlds with Liz and it was freaky but very enjoyable. It was totally wild to see things that are like inside of you... outside of you. In a case. They did bones first and then muscles and stuff, and then they did full-on bodies where you could see all the muscles and things on a person, in different positions. It was almost like sculpture. Those guys weren't in cases or anything, either. You could get really close. And then they had all the diseased organs and things, like smokers' lungs. Actually, they had smokers' lungs a lot - so often that they had a place in the exhibit where you could dump your cigarettes and take a pledge to quit. A lot of packs of cigarettes were sitting in that box.
There was a room with fetuses, (feti?), in it, too. That was very scary, because most of the grown-up bodies didn't have skin on them so they looked more like science room dummies than dead people, but they kept the baby guys intact. And I was like, "Dang, that's somebody's child," and it was a little too much. Over all, though, bravo. Good experience.

Other than that, vacation has been kind of a lot of sitting around. The Holly happened this past Saturday, and Milton came in second, (we lost out by two points). I got 5th in poetry, but did embarassingly in duo. Which sucked. I was really worn out, though. It was a long day and stuff, and plus now away tournaments are over for OI and all we have left is locals, and that's kinda dull.
I don't know what I'm going to do about the summer. Jacob can't go to CFL quals because it's his brother's bar mitzvah, (and I hate that so much because then Team Oral at CFLs is going to be like me and Mike Cohen. Boo, teams of two), so Jacob wants to go to NFLs in duo which involves impossible odds and also involves my going two weeks late to the China trip that I've kind of wanted to go on for three years. So my summer is potentially: a week home, a week in Kansas, three weeks in China, a week home, two weeks in Virginia, and then about a month home before school starts. I don't know if I'm that brave.

I'm going to Arizona with my family on Friday, for about a week. I'm so pumped. I'm so pumped for CHRISTMAS, actually. I'm so pumped for everything. This is such a turning-over-a-new-leaf time in my life, and some parts are (going to be?) excellent and some parts (are just going to) blow. I've been slacking off and being disapointing in a bunch of areas when I want to be doing impressively well, and when school gets going again... oh my god, here we go.

Mission: Be Impressive
School Section
-Start doing history homework on time again, because my teacher knows when I don't do it and she used to like me and now she hates me and I feel like crap about it because my grades are slowly slipping in front of my eyes and I'm just not going to do well on her exam. But I'm really going to try.
-Take my homework in math seriously, cause that shit pulls up your grade soooo much.
-Study hard for exams and feel prepared for all of them. And do well.
-Try not to think too much about grades. Ha ha.

Acting Section?
-Rock the one act that I'm in.
-Make duo amazing.
-Polish pro/po until it's fulfilling its potential.

Long-Term Goals What I Always Have Section
-Do physical things that make me feel good, like yoga. Remember yoga? It was so good, and now I don't do it because I don't have time.
-Clean things like my room, and my binders.
-Stop listening to trash music.

Emo Section! Everybody's Favorite!
-Don't get an eating disorder. My body image has been all over the place and I'm more food-conscious than I used to be, and I'm a little worried about it under the circumstances. But I mean, this kind of thing goes in phases, there are times in my life when I've felt like this before and didn't end up at like 75 pounds, etc. It's so hard to know when you're blowing things out of proportion. Weird-o.
-Don't be a drama queen? I don't know why I've been feeling like such a drama queen lately. I get into these moods where I'll be talking to someone and I'll think, "Why am I bringing up myself so much? They're probably bored out of their minds right now. I'm so self-centered. I don't listen like I used to..." and it goes on and on for like forever into a swirling vortex of insecurity.
-Be charming, and talk to the people I want to talk to rather than the ones it's a little safer to talk to but I don't actually like.

This entry is so long. The gods of self-consciousness are telling me that I'm a drama queen (surprise surprise) and I've been sitting on my ass for too long and not getting work done. I'm going to put this thing in an LJ-cut.
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