Title: Let me serve you tonight
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Brienne/Catelyn
Wordcount: 250
Rating: PG-13
Drabbletag 5 - serve
Brienne stands watch in front of Lady Catelyns tent, dutiful as ever. She knows that there shouldn’t be any dangers in the camp, but one never knows. After what happened to Renly …
She sighs and looks around when a sound can be heard. Brienne listens closer. It comes from inside the tent and sounds like … crying. She stiffens and knows a man would just ignore it, but … she is no man.
She takes a last look around before facing the tent opening. “Milady?” she asks with a low voice. The crying stops immediately. “It’s nothing, Brienne.” Lady Catelyn’s voice is shaking.
Brienne steps in nevertheless and indeed sees Cat drying the tears on her cheeks.
“I heard you crying,” Brienne says just to break the silence.
Cat sighs and shakes her head, her lip trembling again. “I lost everything. My family is torn apart, my children and my husband …” She chokes on the last word but doesn’t have to say it. Brienne already knows. Everybody does.
“Milady,” Brienne says softly and approaches, comes to a stand next to Cat’s bed. The furs slip, expose a heavy breast.
“I miss Ned so much …”
Brienne can’t take her eyes from the dark nipple that perks up at the sudden cold.
“Lady Catelyn,” Brienne says so the other woman looks up. “Let me serve you … tonight.”
Cat doesn’t answer, just removes the other furs after a moment and lays back to await Brienne’s company in her bed.