Last night was probably the most fun I've had since the ASS Club.
For a full description,
Me and Chase went to pick up alex. Alex gave me a SCARFACE poster for my room. Yippeeeeee. Then we went to snowbiz to liberate the flavors that rock sign. Okay, so it's 1:30 inthefuckingmorning, and there is a car at snowbiz. So, alex goes up to the little stand and asks if they're still serving (alex had to go because she was wearing normal clothes. I was in all black, including a black hat and shoes. It was pimp.) Well anyways, she asks if they're still serving, they look at her like she's crazy and say no. We think they were having sex in the snowbiz stand. That's the only logical conclusion really.
What else is there to do at 1 am? If you're not sleeping you gotta be either fucking someone or fucking shit up.
All I know is, it was suspicious. And probably fun. I would advise anyone who eats there to NOT get the creme on their snowbiz. I mean, it's gross, but now it might be real jizzum, not just look like it.
And we went to the playground!! They tried to help me overcome my weird first grade monkey bar head cracking open phobia. Yea, I'm scared of the monkey bars. I can parasail, bungee jump, and I've been on the country's tallest roller coaster, but the monkey bars scare me. haha oh man. That's really stupid. But anyways, I quit being a pussy and climbed to the top of the monkey bars. Then I got stuck. Twice. But it's alllllllll gooooooooooooood cuz I played on the swings, and I got to sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of my lungs, just like in Wayne's World. But I got a nasty bruise while trying to show off my pole dancing abilities. Yea, I ran into a pole. It was really hot though.
After playgrounding it up, we went and got the sign. It was exhilirating. OH yea and I don't care what anyone says, Alex's mom is a hippie and she HAS SMOKED POT BEFORE. She went to Berkley, wore Birkenstocks, and listens to the Grateful Dead. Yea she's smoked up. She's cool though. When I went to pick Alex up to go out for some post-curfew vandalism, her mom was at the door waving bye. It made my night. I guess that's why alex is so cool. It has to be, because I know her Jew daddy had nothing to do with her coolness."
I love her more than Oprah loves chocolate. And impressionable housewives. Or..something.
there's your proof, bitch.
Right, so anyways. Whit's coming home tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited. And I saw EJ today, and it was actually very pleasant. Not at all horrible and annoying, as I thought it might be. Yay.