i'll take some speed cause things dont turn out allright

Feb 14, 2005 00:25

I'm so tired all the time lately. I dont get it.

I love stealing music from the internet.

note to self: quit having weird dreams.

note to everyone else: i'm not impressed when you tell me stories about you being so drunk. i'm not impressed when you tell me stories about drug usage. i'm not impressed with anything you say. Your friends ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

__ferrarichamp February 13 2005, 21:39:58 UTC
"Maybe if you told me you had a tivo and i could use it would i then be impressed."



killyourimage February 14 2005, 10:00:39 UTC
i dont think i have ever wanted anything more than a tivo.


(The comment has been removed)

killyourimage February 14 2005, 10:02:16 UTC
you are so incredibly nice. That means a lot to me. A lot of the time i feel like i am just complaining. I appreciate the kind words.

I too hope your valentines day is fun and full of love!


anonymous February 14 2005, 05:08:03 UTC
Listen you hot hoe...
I love you alot
even when you love me not!

Happy Valentine's Day my darling.
I will be calling you later today.
♥ x 10


killyourimage February 14 2005, 10:03:01 UTC
i always love you! dont even think twice.

have a good valentine's day toooo.
miss you.
love you


alwaysintune February 14 2005, 09:26:43 UTC
Happy Valentines Day


killyourimage February 14 2005, 10:03:31 UTC

thanks!!! you too!


ghetto_4_life February 14 2005, 10:15:53 UTC


___hurrah February 14 2005, 10:16:29 UTC


killyourimage February 14 2005, 10:22:16 UTC
KatherineTheEnd: i want to go to tihaldnd, which i cant spell and CANT GO BECAUSE OF A GODDAMN TSUNAMI
And RAWR: goddamn it tsunamis are always ruinign everythign

i decided to go with the 'brain in a vat' theory. yeah.


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