Do you mean it when you say what you say?

Feb 22, 2005 23:46

So i normally like to write livejournal entires in advance. You know, pull together interesting tidbits, but tonite i decided other wise. And since i'm a such a huge fan of lists, here is what is on my mind ( Read more... )

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killyourimage February 23 2005, 19:28:20 UTC
Stop being so awesome!!! You are such a sweetheart. Why have we not hung out more? We must.

AND WHY AM I USING THE INTERNET RIGHT NOW?!! I am suppose to not be using it! Ah!

Reply newnoise96 February 22 2005, 21:56:52 UTC
-To dream that you are suffocating, signifies that you are feeling smothered or oppressed by some situation/relationship. Something or someone is holding your back. You are experiencing stress and tension ( ... )


Re: killyourimage February 23 2005, 18:52:53 UTC
what the fuck. Basically i'm an emtional mess?! I'm oppressed, i'm being suffocated, i dont have goals, and no inner peace!!!! I AM SO SCARED!


Re: newnoise96 February 23 2005, 20:13:19 UTC
awww!!! i'm so sorry, i didn't want you to take it like that! maybe this one helps..?

-To see plants in your dream, indicates fertility, spiritual development, growth or the potential for growth. Alternatively, the appearance of plants in your dreams reflects your caring and loving nature.

i hope you feel better! and hey atleast you aren't locked in your house


karmadanger February 22 2005, 22:03:06 UTC
"I brush my teeth like five times a day lately."

ummm...has anyone ever told you that you are awesome at life???

well, you are!



killyourimage February 23 2005, 19:24:44 UTC
Awww! Thanks!


anonymous February 23 2005, 11:52:57 UTC
Guh, what's up with people beating me to the punch on commenting, these days? KatherineLeigh my dear, in T-minus 2 days, I will be home and ready to get krunk with you. We'll go to Internet-Junkies-Anonymous meetings, Tower Records, Lil' 5, you name it...we'll be there! Oh, and Borders! That is a must. I need some Pink Martini in my life this very moment. And books, lots of books. And Jenny Bear and Teetee and all his twins. I can't wait! Oh and preknown, I watch you through your window all the time and I laugh my ass off at all the things you do. You hot mama, you. Alright. I am off to put a tinkle in the throne. (Make your disgusted face, now!)

I love you.
Kisses and cuddles,

P.S. Did I mention the porn-ad thing? Because I swear it's a part of your livejournal now. Creeeeepy.

P.P.S. Can we play some Mario when I'm home too. I am now re-addicted to the glory of original Nintendo. Hallelujah!


killyourimage February 23 2005, 18:58:25 UTC
Okay, so i had to do junk on webct and i knew you would comment so i figured why not reply back?? I really cant wait for friday! Please callllllllllllll me! I have to work. Boo! But can we canoodle or something later in the evening? And you know i am a big porn star so do not be surpised. Hee. Also, you knw i made the disgusting face (you are disgusting?! OMG THEY ARE GOING TO READ THAT AND KNOW!). Haha that probably didnt make sense to you. Miss you and i cant wait to see you!


p.s... check out my sunglasses! Hot shit?


anonymous February 23 2005, 19:55:17 UTC
Total hot shit! That is some Grade A, pornstar hotness. Perhaps my most favorite of all userpics. DAMN! It makes me reminisce about all the DIGI-fun we had! Oh vanity, she's our best friend.
Also, did you get your hurr cut again? I likey...

In fact...I lovey. Your face.
LOve you. Soon soon soon...
<3 Nena


killyourimage March 3 2005, 10:31:44 UTC
oh hey. i'm at your house. we are chatting. we are gossip-ing like mad! TOOL BAG! thats what you just said. now i am scared you might not read this. YIKES BIKES!

love you.



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