*snort!* *blush* *snort!* It's not what you think!
kiltcheck guest starred as Neptune in Foam of Perilous Seas and conducted the "Crossing the Line" ceremony aboard the Heliobia. He had the new crewmembers drink raw fish guts as part of the hazing.
Admittedly, pregnancy abounded in the FoPS game, but did any of your NPCs in other games knock up a PC? I can't seem to recall. (Though there was certainly a lot of laying going on, all over the place...)
He indirectly knocked up that military girl in Manse -- his woods-god Lord Venery fucked her boyfriend full of wild magic, and the boyfriend (Stacy's character) had sex with the girlfriend to re-assert his heterosexuality, and wham! Insta-pregnancy with a remarkably large, healthy, and fast-developing baby (who, as my well-read character pointed out, would probably be one of those legendary hero types who could talk to the animals).
He wasn't her boyfriend when the encounter with Lord Venery occurred. In fact, she wasn't even his girlfriend when the pregnancy was initiated; she was just a tavern encounter and random heterosexuality reassurance. There was that whole comedic storyline when he was trying to decide whether to root for her lacrosse team or the lacrosse team the other girl was on. . . .
Comments 6
You forgot to say that someone's probably going to drink fish guts!
kiltcheck guest starred as Neptune in Foam of Perilous Seas and conducted the "Crossing the Line" ceremony aboard the Heliobia. He had the new crewmembers drink raw fish guts as part of the hazing.
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