Title: Five Hours to Broken Arrow
Rating: R for language and gore.
Type: Gen H/C
Length: 1/?
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, others.
Summary: "I swear to God, I will hunt you down and I will kill you. That's what he said. That's what he said before he killed my brother..." Hurt!Dean Soul!Sam Covers seasons 1-6.
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Comments 6
That's a hell of a cliffie. What, is your middle name Kripke or something?
Poor boys. The desperation in Sam comes through so perfectly; he's clearly exhausted but still frantic to find his brother. And Dean, man oh man. Battered and broken - but I love the way you play him in this; not out-and-out defiant but still refusing to bow to Jeremy, stubborn to the end.
Looking forward to more...
So I wonder what's up with that family that papa Winchester iced them all (except Jeremy). Perhaps they're a family of monsters...? Or maybe John saw them as dangerous to his family in some way...? Can't wait to find out!
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