Surveys, ohh fun. (And this cut thing probably won't work due to the extreme shitiness of my computer abilities)
The Ultimate Death Survey
What do you think happens after you die? your heart stops beating..and your brain dies? ---> Ahhh! Lorraine. I'm not sure what I think happens. something in which your soul becomes separated from your dead body.
Do you believe in heaven? no
Do you believe in hell? no
Do you think you will be judged after you die? maybe, I doubt it
How many people would attend your funeral? I have a large family, so probably quite a few
Would you rather that people cry or laugh at your funeral? Laugh while crying, best of both worlds
What's better? A shot in the head or downing pills? Downing pills
What should be written on your tombstone? "Kim Cameron, she was fuckin' ame' but we loved her anyway" Ahahahaha
Would you rather die childless or divorced? childless
Do you want to die in the morning, afternoon, or night? anytime as long as im sleeping first. --> good answer
If you had a million dollars to leave, who would you leave it to? split between family and friends
What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral? Anything white
On your deathbed, which moment will you most remember? I'm not entirely sure, depends when I die I suppose
Have you ever watched someone die? A cat, it was awful
What's the most gruesome death you can imagine? Being strangled would be awful, but being stabbed in all non-vital areas until you lose enough blood would be painful, and I hate knives
How often do you think about death? Pretty often
Is fear of dying your number one fear? It's my top fear, yet top obsession at the same time
Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes, I want to believe I'll live again
Have you ever wished someone you loved were dead? yes
Do you consider life short or long? long
Do you think you have a soul? yes
Assisted suicide for a terminally ill person is: merciful if they're in pain and wish to end it
If you were cremated, where would you like your ashes? hmm.. I don't want to be cremated and I can't think of a good enough place to scatter my ashes
Would you choose to be immortal, if you could be? maybe
The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: totally pro, and anyone who thinks it's murder is a fucktard in my opinion
Affirmative Action: depends on what "past discrimination" has taken place
Age of Consent: I think it's stupid, when you're ready, you're ready, people mature at different rates
Animal Testing: hate it
Death Penalty: is stupid because life rotting in prison is much worse than dying and escaping the hell your life would and should be. It would only be good if they had painful deaths
Downloading Music/Movies: love it, best technological advancement yet
Drug Decriminalization: I think it should all be decriminalized for the most part. If people want to fuck themselves up on acid or coke why not let them do it? But it should be illegal if the drugs are forced on someone who doesn't want to take them.
Factory Farming: no
Free Trade: sure whatever
Funding of Arts: great
Gay Marriage: should be legalized, there's no reason it shouldn't be
Gun Control: should be more controlled
Immigration: stay in your own country lol well..that only applys to china and mexico ---> wow lorrainedeer. Whatever, as long as you don't over populate
Hardcore Pornography: whatever you want to do
Human Cloning: no no no. Anything that includes playing God is wrong
Miltary Draft: Retarded. War does nothing so why make people participate and die?
Minimum Wage: should be higher because thats all some people can get
Prostitution: Should be legal, because then it wouldn't be so scummy
School Vouchers: sure why not
Taxes: should be lessened because they're used shitty
United Nations: useless --> true that
Universal Health Care: free health care
War on Terrorism: it's not going to stop anything, give it up
Welfare: should be harder to get because people milk the system too much