I got my car I got my new car. Ok so it is a little bluer then I wanted but still. I finally got a new car. I have a few pics but it was hard to get pics since it was dark outside. There is a few things I am NOT fond of but oh well.
Wahoo the groundhog in PA didn't see his or her shadow. Early Spring. Although we haven't had much of a winter. It finally decided to snow today so me being the dork I am went outside at night and took some pics while it is was still snowing. Of course, I went outside in my robe and boots.
Some Grey's Avatars. Mostly Addison but some Issie included. They are from 3x12 and previous. I will work on avatars from this week's show later today.
I made some Team Hillary Avatars for those who are excited Hillary Clinton is running for President. I will make more when I get a chance. If you are Canadian you can just ingore this post. LOL.