And all the stuff you've gone through as far as job offers\interviews in the past couple months hasn't taught you that it's not your timeline that matters? Employers are going to do it on their timeline even if they give you one, it never really sticks. I know you like to have everything in it's neat little arrangement but sooner or later you have to realize that they could care less about what you're doing and when you expect to hear something. Stressing over 5 days isn't going to make them make a decision any faster, and pestering them about a decision can hurt you after an initial inquiry. You should also realize that the store manager in a chain like that really has little to say with who and when a new mahager or MIT comes in and from where. All they can do is go to their HR and give them their recommendation. Take a chill pill, keep your hopes up, and try and not get angry over whats really just normal things.
Comments 4
As you stated I just want to get thing in order and begin to looking forward to not working so damn much.
*rinse & repeat*
But the body wants to go into all Hitler mode currently.
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