please excuse my bad spelling/grammar :)
Left Behind:
I liked this episode. In fact I liked last weeks episode too.
Even though Lost is still entertaining me I do have some frustrations but overall I understand why they make the show progress like they do and I have faith that it will come together and answer mysteries down the line.
So after all they've been through, Kate's big question is why would they hand cuff us together and drop us into the jungle? Nothing the others do makes sense and that is your question?
Locke is still acting like Locke and doing weird things like leaving with the others so go who knows where. I wonder when we will find out what happened with Locke's dad.
I was surprised to see smoke monster again. We got a little more this time with the camera-like flashes on Juliet. Taking pictures of her? Scanning her brain? Who knows?
I really don't know what to believe on this show. It gets a little old when so many things that we see turn out to be a lie from the others or from the Losties themselves.
Why couldn't smoke monster fly over the fence?
Kate's flashback didn't tell us anything groundbreaking about her. We knew her mom gave her up and that she has shunned Kate. I guess the only new thing was that she befriended Sawyers con girl. Will that come into play later? Who knows?
I somewhat liked the Sawyer makes nice bit. It was comic relief but I don't think it was very realistic. Sawyer gets worried that the Losties are going to banish him??? Come on, if they were going to do that it would have happened a long time ago.
I love Sayid.
I don't like Juliet. I've been reading here and there what people think about LOST and so many are accepting of Juliet. A lot of people who like Juliet are the ones who don't like Kate. I just don't like her. She's still one of THEM. It should be interesting when they bring her back to camp.
I have a feeling that somewhere down the line Jack will have to make a decision regarding Juliet. Like he might have to decide to betray her or leave her or something. I don't know.
I liked this episode. I think it was entertaining and clever. I know it centered around two people that just came out of nowhere but their story was interesting. We got to see some of the earlier events from their point of view.
It was very twilight zoneish when it was revealed that they weren't dead but just paralyzed. It gave me chills.
We learned a few other little things but nothing major.
Random thoughts:
I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season. It's awesome to not have tons of repeats in the middle of new ones.
I still think they need to not bring up so many lingering questions. I understand not revealing things too soon and quick. I just have a feeling that there are too many smaller things to wrap up. They made these mysteries seem important at the time they were brought up so they need to be addressed again.
The last few eps of a season including the finale are usually the most revealing so we'll see what we get.
I still want to know about the whole Penny and the anomaly watching guys.