Back in HS there used to be this game where you would take a movie title, book, or TV show and insert the word VAGINA anywhere into the title. Lets see how creative and funny everyone can get and pass it on.
1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Vaginas
2) The Passion of The Vagina- Bret Meanie
3) Land Before Vagina- Anthony
4) Sixteen Vaginas - Dan
5) The Green Vagina ( The Green Mile )
6. the little vagina [the little mermaid]
7) Interview With the Vagina - danielle
8) The Virgin Vaginas - rawr,i love you ¢¾ (ANGELICA)
9) Half Baked Vagina - Matty
10) Requiem for a Vagina - Bring Da Rukus
11) Big Trouble In Little Vagina - The Donny
12) Happy Vagina-Hannah
14) THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE vagina- (scareyanne)
15) resevoir vaginas- JOOOOOOLIE
16)How to lose a Vagina in ten days-Dead
17) Vagina of the Dead - Gillian
18) Honey, I shrank the vaginas. (pauloo)
19) Lost Vaginas (mel vicious)
20) Pulp Vagina (Bleeding Of A forgotten Soul)
21) Buffy the Vagina Slayer!!-Anna
22) The World According To Vagina - (Chris Beyond)
23) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Vagina (Karen)
24.) Real Women Have Vagina (Jendo)