1. You & your ex -No love lost there
2. What are you listening to - the world as it wakes up on Saturday (traffic and toilets, mostly)
3. Maybe I should - have a shower
4. I love - making stuff
5. I don't understand - why I ate a whole bag of Jelly Babies
6. I have lost my respect for - all women who think it's OK to wear only tights and a vest top in public. PUT SOME TROUSERS ON. Do you know I can see your knickers?
7. I last ate - an apple
1. Is your hair wet? - yes, with sweat! I just went running.
2. Is your mobile phone right by you? - nah, I think it's on the floor somewhere by my bed. Like most of the things I own.
4. Are you wearing chap stick? - nah
5. Are you tired? - not yet, but then, I'm still post-exercise glowing. Give it 30 minutes or so.
6. Are you wearing pyjamas? - just underwear
7. Are you mad? - mad angry, or mad insane?
8. Are you upset? - what about?
1. Recently done anything you regret? - that packet of jelly babies.
2. Recently gotten in a fight? - can't say I have, no.
3. Ever kicked someone? - well, yeah.
4. Ever tripped over your own feet? - quite frequently
1. Have you cursed? - no, not yet!
2. Have you gotten mad at someone? - It's only 10:15 am - I'd be pretty angry if I had!
Ever wonder if you're someone's everything? - Why bother?
Last song played more than three times? Urm, probably Pogo's Alohomora.
Tie yourself to someone for a day, who is it? Captain Maggot
Last time you were really happy? Sitting inside a sculpture in a Czech high-street
Ever skip class? Yeah!
When do you want to die? It varies depending on my mood.
Marriage? Not right now, and not for the forseeable future.
Did you take a nap today? Again, this is clearly an afternoon meme, as I only just got up 2 hours ago!
Who got mad at you last? Some guy in Tesco, because I walked past him down the escalator!
Last car you were in? I can't remember! Oooh, no, it was in Rafal's car on the way back from a gig in Wroclaw. That was about a week ago.
Last person to call you beautiful? I don't associate with LIARS
Where are your parents right now? I think my mum is still in bed, my dad has gone looking for a light switch
Could you use some sleep right now? Again, 10am. No.
Who'd you have lunch with? I haven't had it yet!
Do you like to cuddle? Yes, yes and more yes.
Are you ticklish? Yes. And I cannot overcome it. :(
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Traveling, probably
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? Yes. Hair grows back.
What's on your bedroom floor? My bed, roller blades, bag of driftwood, someone's email address on a scrap of paper, pyjama bottoms, water bottle, guitar cable, phone, library books, clothes hangars, juggling balls, socks for monsters, and plasticine trodden into the carpet
How many piercings do you have? 2, one in each ear
What does the first text message in your inbox say? I have no idea where exactly my phone is to check. Pretty sure it's from Helen, though.
Are you a jealous person? yeah, sometimes
Any plans for tomorrow? gonna try going for a swim in the morning.
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? yes, if my ears are cold
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dunno. Pity them, probably
Do want any tattoos? Sometimes
When is the last time you were in a photo-booth taking pictures with friends? In Korea, with Lizzie and Beau!
What's the last thing you laughed at? Channel 4 comedy
Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to? H-cake-bookface
What was the first thing you thought this morning? Ugh, it is morning
What colour are your eyes? Green-grey mostly, with grey rings around the edge of the iris, orange flecks in the middle around the pupil.
Who do you hate currently? Racists
Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night? No.