Title: Pirates of the Arisu
Genre: Alternate Universe, BL&Yaoi, Action&Adventure, Comedy/Crack, Slight Drama&Angst
Pairings: ShouxHiroto, mentioned AoixKai, ChiyuxYuji, KanonxTakeru, etc.
Summary: Kohara Kazumasa had a dream to sail the seas and explore every bit of land he could. He shared that dream with Ogata Hiroto and made a promise to come back for him. When he finally did, he decided that he can't possibly go back to Kohara Kazumasa and took on the name "Shou" -- the captain of a pirate crew -- with his own agenda.
Warnings: Sexy Shou in one hell of an eyepatch, mild language, and smut. XD
Prologue -
01 -
02 -
03 -
04 -
05 -
06 -
07 -
08 9th Storm :: He's a Pirate
He looked so familiar; it was almost as if he wasn't a stranger. However, I knew otherwise. The way he spoke was not like any other person I knew--and from that moment now, I would always remember this stranger. It was as if he was from another planet--he seemed very other worldly. Perhaps it was because of the fact that he also had an eyepatch--on the very same eye as mine. The way he stared and studied me was also another indicator that he had also gone through the same hell as I have.
"Who the hell are you?" left my lips.
The stranger smirked ever-so-slightly. "A ghost," he answered--obviously a lie. However, Nao and Hiroto seemed to accept it as the truth. He started to walk forward and stopped in front of me. His eyes flickered over my features before pivoting on his heel. He started to approach Hiroto, allowing my fingers to ball into fists that kept clenching and unclenching. He placed a gloved hand on top of his blonde head and sighed. "I pity you so," he said. "There's always someone who is cursed with this sickness called Greed when they enter the Treasury. The only cure for it is finding your treasure and taking good care of it."
For a moment, I was relieved. It wasn't my eye that had cursed Hiroto--it was the jungle itself. Unfortunately, that didn't make things much better, seeing that Hiroto was still ill.
The shadow then turned about and faded into the shadows with indistant cries of "Kanon! Kanon!" in the background. That was when I realized who the hell that guy was. I nearly choked upon realization.
"That was the pirate king," Tora murmured--stating the obvious for us all.
There was a moment of silence before Nao decided to pipe up, "Well! Shall we go?" There was something among the lines of agreement before we hiked up the side of the mountain, each one of us taking turns to support Hiroto along the way. When we decided to take a break, Hiroto took this chance to apologize to us.
Pity flashed within my orbs for a brief moment while Tora and Saga took a moment to sigh. Nao, being the oddball he was, chose to grin cheesily and assure the squirrel that he was absolutely fine. Whilst everyone rested (with Tora on guard duty), I announced to nobody in particular that I would be venturing around. With Nao's blessing, I took off. Parting leaves and cutting off branches that were in my way, I made my way around our resting area.
I whipped around, immediately unsheathing my sword. Everything was still, and nothing seemed out of place. The Blood Blade was then sheathed yet again. After silently arching an eyebrow, I continued my short expedition.
I pursed my lips together, brows knitting together in the process while I comtemplated my thoughts. The Blood Blade found itself out of its case once again, its black blade shimmering in the light. Weilding it, I cautiously took small steps towards the source of the sound. I blocked out the sound of nature. Within my head, I heard not a single chirp of a bird or cricket--not even the sound of the wind gently rustling the leaves. And then, there was the sound of a breath--an animal? Whoever or whatever it was, I wasn't going to let it off easy--even if it was a crewmate.
But, boy, was I wrong.
It was definitely not Tora or Saga or Hiroto or Nao; furthermore, this person was definitely not from King Kanon's crew. He was far too hasty and far unskilled in the art of fighting and combat. I merely took a side-step to avoid his charge towards me with his dagger. That caused me to relax a bit and allowed myself to sheath the Blood Blade again. With a smirk, I grabbed the wrist that held the weapon and squeezed it as tight as I could. After a squeal left his lips, the grip around the dagger loosened and dropped to the ground. I kicked it aside and let go of him--shoving him aside as well.
"Who the hell are you?" I hissed with as much venom that I could muster in such a situation. I couldn't help but let my guard down with the fellow--the consequences of prejudice. I knew that there was a chance that this guy might actually be able to pull off a slick little trick, but my heart and soul told me to drop it--and my body was easily able to cave in (unlike my mind).
"Is that you, Kazumasa-kun?" a gruff voice questioned behind me. Instantly and instinctively, I turned around to strike, but my punches were quickly evaded with staggered steps backwards. The old geezer fell to his skinny ass, and that was when I realized who the hell I just tried to punch.
The rustling of dirt and leaves on the ground told me that guy was attack from behind. I lifted a leg and kicked him away.
"Satoru-san?" I questioned. "What the hell are you doing here? I thought you died." My eyes scanned over his bony figure. "...You're fucking close to death though. Damn, you look horrible. Have you eaten?"
Satoru-san grinned sheepishly. "Haven't a meal in years. I see that you look pretty damn healthy and well. The sea hasn't done you any wrong, has it now?"
"Well, that's questionable," I murmured before bringing up his first statement, "but the fact that you haven't eaten in a long time isn't. How did you survive without food? How did you end up here in the first place? And who the hell is your friend?" My thumb swiftly jerked over to the guy sitting on his ass in pain behind me.
Satoru-san brushed aside my questions and remarked, "You got any food on you, Kazumasa? I'll tell you a story over a meal."
"I go by Shou now," I responded dryly, "but I'll have my cook agree to it. He's a softy on the inside. There's no doubt he won't refuse after seeing the state that you're in. Your friend might not get any though." My eyes flickered over to the assaultant. His light brown hair was matted with a few leaves and twigs in the mess while one of his eyelids was scarred. His bright brown orbs reflected a fire of anger and determination, and his clothing was ripped and torn.
"Alright, Shou. I'm guessing that you're a captain now, right?" Satoru-san mused. "I can't wait to meet the crew of the son of Captain Alphonse."
At the mention of that shitty old man, I choked and blurted out, "Is he still alive?"
A silence swallowed us before Satoru-san responded with, "I highly doubt it."
Another question slipped out, "What happened?"
"I don't know."
A short pause followed his answer, and then I decided to change things up as I led them back to my crew. "Allow me to rephrase that then; are we the only survivors?" I turned my head back a bit, just to see him slightly nod. I did not fail to notice that he kept eying my sword--my family's sword. If all does not go will, I will not hesitate to use it on him, and Satoru-san knows that very well. After all, he has seen--first hand--my father's wrath. As Captain Alphonse's son, it was only natural that I would take after him.
I pulled back a few giant leaves in front of us and gestured for him to step forward. His comrade followed shortly after him--giving me a suspicious glance. Trailing behind them, I was to make sure that they wouldn't escape. I would get my story and explanation while Satoru-san would get his meal. Satoru-san and his comrade stepped to the side, allowing my crew to have a clear view of me.
My lips parted and--although my mind was filled with much confusion--I spoke with certainty, introducing Satoru-san and his partner, whose name I still have not received. I told them that I recently found out I wasn't the last survivor on the ship that crashed, and that I found Satoru-san a few minutes ago.
When I finished, I looked about, seeing wary facial expressions everywhere. I was positive that even my own face was suspicious. After giving Saga the command to bring out some food for Satoru-san, I sat down right beside Hiroto, pulling the younger closer to my build.
"Are you okay?" I whispered to him. He nodded before resting his head on my shoulder.
"Just a little tired. I'm surprised my stomach hasn't dissolved with all of the acid I vomited," Hiroto murmured. The topic changed. "Can we trust them?" Hiroto questioned.
There was a moment's pause. "I'm not sure," I replied hesitantly. "Satoru-san was the person who taught me everything I know--how to swim, how to shoot a cannonball, how to shoot guns and arrows, how to swordfight, etc. etc.--but to see him here so suddenly... It's strange. Whatever I do, I can't let my guard down--the same for everyone else. They picked up on how weird this coincidence is."
The word "coincidence" left my lips with a bitter taste. It was almost like everything was planned, and everything included Hiroto's illness, the pirate king appearing, and this reunion. It was all just too weird for it to be real. I couldn't help but dread of the events that were about to unfold.
As Satoru-san was telling his story, I developed a nasty habit to glance at his partner, who kept staring at Hiroto as if he was some kind of alien. The thief squirmed uncomfortably under the brunet's gaze, which made me nearly shield him from everything in sight--just so that freak wouldn't keep gawking at him.
"When Arisu-san was hit, Kazumasa floated to Japan. On the other hand, I grabbed onto a piece of wood that floated a couple of kilometers away to Royale SuGizo. Somehow, as if by magic, Arisu-san repaired herself. When she was in all of her glory, I knew I had to protect her," Satoru-san explained, "so I stayed here--in this jungle--living on as many fruits and meat that I could find. I wouldn't let just anyone take Arisu-san. Hell, I couldn't let anyone take the treasure that goes with Arisu-san. Yusa here decided to help me when he got lost in here last month."
There was a momentary silence before Satoru-san finished up his meal and stood up. "And I can't let Kazumasa-kun here grab the treasure and the ship for himself and his crew either. Kazumasa-kun, you're not worthy. Turn back. Now."
There were so many things he should have left out in his explanation that I just wanted to turn back time to make sure that I never ran into him. Everyone was quiet before Tora stood up and dusted his hands off. "You're a nasty old geezer," he commented. "We gave you a meal, so you should have given us your blessing. It seems that you know the captain fairly well, don't you? In fact, so do we--possibly even better than you do. If anyone has a right to say if Kazumasa-kun is worthy or not, it's us. Alright? Now get your ass out of here--oh shit."
Honestly speaking--and I'm being completely blunt here--that was the most disgusting sight I've ever seen in my life. Even Yusa didn't know what was going on as he scurried behind me. I heard Nao gulp nervously while Hiroto was twitching in excitement. Saga palmed his forehead while Tora sighed in frustration--muttering about how he didn't want to work right after taking a break. As for me, I was debating on whether I was about to be battling Satoru-san or a hugeass kraken the size of the palace of Versailles.
That made me wonder if anybody outside of the Treasury saw it.
"I think Saga's octopus came back to kill us," Hiroto mused. The thief had to get somewhat arrogant before a fight. (It boosted his self-confidence and determination.) It was cute; plus, it would allow me to buy some time to make up some excuses for any questions that they might have later.
"Krakens are giant squids, Pon," Saga retorted dryly.
"Does it really matter?" Nao spoke up.
One of its tentacles fell down, forming a ditch in the ground as we jumped out of the way to avoid being smashed. I gritted my teeth before reaching out for my katana. I unsheathed it immediately--only to have my cover shredded to pieces.
"The Blood Blade, its blade can be as black as the blood of a demon. The blade reflects the blood of its weilder. When Captain Alphonse unsheathed it, it was crimson--the blood of a human--and, yet, its blade is clearly black as of now. Kazumasa-kun, you have made a contract with a devil and become a demon, have you not?"
Everything seemed to slow down. My crew stopped moving for a moment and stared at me--bewildered--before yelling out at the sight of a tentacle flying my way. A quick scowl decorated my lips as I sliced it away. Regrettably, I did not move away at the last minute. The tentacle moved forward a tad, flicking away my eyepatch.
A gray eye stared ahead blankly--immensely contrasting my bright blue eye--before it glowed yellow, a sign that it wanted to curse someone...to steal their soul...and I knew very well who was the current target.
"Damn you to hell, you fucking Kraken."
A/N: I made a return and an update. :3 Are you happy? I am. I made some new friends on campus (although we're on a first name basis...I have NO IDEA what their surnames are XD) and I'm ready for some crack/drama. Haha, anyways, what did you think?
--Next Chapter!!-->