Title: Pirates of the Arisu
Genre: Alternate Universe, BL&Yaoi, Action&Adventure, Comedy/Crack, Slight Drama&Angst
Pairings: ShouxHiroto, mentioned AoixKai, ChiyuxYuji, KanonxTakeru, implied SagaxNao, Torax??, etc.
Summary: Kohara Kazumasa had a dream to sail the seas and explore every bit of land he could. He shared that dream with Ogata Hiroto
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Comments 11
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Well, thanks for all of your support (and the nudges XD) and thanks for reading and commenting!!
Yay! memories of the guys!
Hiroto met Satsuki... wow. I'd like to meet him myself but that's beyond the point XDDD
I wonder what they're going to do. How will they overcome that illusions? And how Hiroto is supposed to save Shou? Will he get by? I so hope he will <3
I can't wait for more!
Keep up the great work! <3333
I didn't think it'd happen this week, but I finished what needed to be finished. :O
Haha. It was a bit of an awkward first encounter though...sorta. XD
It's a lot easier than Tora thought, really. Plus, trap doors help out a lot in this story, so you'll have to be a little reflexable. I can't kill off anyone without feeling a little bit guilty, btw. (And, I didn't really spoil anything... I think. x3)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
*waits for the next* :3
I know!!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
*jumps up and down in joy*
wow we learnt alot in this chapter and ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
*sits and waits for next chapter to appear*
Bahaha. You learn a lot of things every day, nee? :3
Thanks for reading and commenting!
...Jui?! XD
So...the others are sleeping and in...illusions? While Shou is...trapped in a room with them? O_o? Or are they all in the labyrinth, and what Shou's in is just his own illusion?
Tora's story...is...seriously tragic. And...Nao's... Why would a rogue samurai just spontaneously kill his mom? >___<;;
Please update soon. =)
Mhm! Well, Nao, Tora, Saga, and Hiroto were stuck in illusions, but physically, their bodies were sleeping. Shou was wide awake the whole time.
Yeahh. Well, something has to make them want to leave Japan. :P
And I'm sure samurais can get totally wasted - rogue or not.
Well, I kinda am updating at the moment. The new chapter will be up soon. :3
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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