Title: Pirates of the Arisu
Genre: Alternate Universe, BL&Yaoi, Action&Adventure, Comedy/Crack, Slight Drama&Angst
Pairings: ShouxHiroto, mentioned AoixKai, ChiyuxYuji, KanonxTakeru, implied SagaxNao, Torax??, etc.
Summary: Kohara Kazumasa had a dream to sail the seas and explore every bit of land he could. He shared that dream with Ogata Hiroto
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Comments 7
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A mad squirrel = scars for life.
Thanks for reading and commenting! :D
But wow it's going on so fast!
Don't let us wait too long for the rest. We need to know if they're okay! <33
There's just so many memories I made while this was still in progress.
Haha, it's a nice recovery though, isn't it?
Oh, don't worry! I'll update around Wednesday(:
I assure you they'll be perfectly fine. I love happy endings for little crack-hinted fics!!
Thanks for reading and commenting! :D
When did Shou get possessed? o_O I feel like I missed something. LOL.
Well, hope you'll update soon. =)
Well, after he ran away when the others were fighting...
And I just did. :3
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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